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New Custom Tuesday – 2/23/2010

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread.

For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured custom is 12pt Helvetica’s Silver Banshee!

Silver Banshee - 12pt Helvetica

I liked the Public Enemies figures for what they were, but really would have preferred all those characters in the more traditional DCUC style.  12 pt modified his Banshee nicely using a headsculpt from the 7th Kingdom to keep that more classic DCUC style.

Mirror, mirror

I like the use of Superman Blue/Red’s Kirby Crackles to create the tatter/flame effect on Silver Banshee.

Flight stand

The whole thing is tied together nicely with a slick paint job.  I especially like the lines around the mouth.  Nice detail work.  Check out more pics of the Banshee at 12pt’s thread by clicking the above pics.

Here’s the rest of this past week’s customs.  Please click the pics for links to the individual threads and tell these guys (and gals) what you think!

Onyx - Calbretto

The Viper - The Bruce
Superman - Pablolobo
V: Diana & Lydia - Warrack
Dormammu - Dormmamu
Tigershark - Crobthecreator
Ilyria - MsBigPileofDust
Blackheart - Anthonyraptis
Arkillo - TheGDBatman
Red Lantern Mera - TheGDBatman
Thundra - Mister Garbage
Robin - Buzzy Fret
Sookie - jsebold
Animated Joker - Wadsworth