New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread.
For this week’s customs, read on!
This week’s featured custom continues last week’s mythological theme with Madtinker76’s Ares!

There’s a lot to love in this custom version of Ares. The LCBH parts mesh nicely with the Street Fighter parts to create an intimidatingly powerful looking god of war. I love the screaming Guile headsculpt for Ares. He seems appropriately pissed off and ready for battle.
The new parts have topnotch sculpts and the paintjob is also really great. I especially like the skin tone quality he has here. I need to ask him about the method he used, because it looks fantastic and natural. Click either of the above pics for a link to his custom thread here on fwoosh!
Here are the rest of this past week’s customs! Click the pics for links to their respective threads:

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