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Costume Contumely – The Devolution of Action Figures or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Marvel Universe Figures

Saluton, Fwoosh.

Before I get to my latest editoral, I’d like to share this picture with you. Now, I’m not much of a “custom figure” fan myself. I feel like if it’s not factory made, it’s not really a canon figure. That said, when Feralwolf sent me this pic of his custom Dan Garret in response to my last column I admit I was impressed.

Blue Beetle by Feralwolf

There’s some great detail in there, and I think he really nailed it. It cannot have been to decide between yellow and red for the costume details. I think he chose wisely with yellow, making it disticntly a Fox Features version of The Beetle. So dankon for sharing, Feralwolf! See-there’s one guy who gets it.

Now on with the article.

Over the last year, there has been great debate over Hasbro’s approach to Marvel action figures.  The Marvel Universe 3 ¾” line has become the flagship while the grand old Marvel Legends line has been relegated to an afterthought.  Most of you probably thought I had no opinion on the matter.  “Old Cliff,” you thought, “he’s a DC guy. He doesn’t care about Marvel stuff.”  Negative, Gold Leader.

It should be noted that I was/am a major critic of the Marvel Legends line.  Despite the Nerdosphere’s collective love affair with Jesse Falcon (wipe off your chin Mr. Silverback), that line had some serious problems.  But however over-rated Marvel Legends were, there’s still plenty to knock about Marvel Universe.  “But Cliff,” I hear you say, “they’re great for what they are.”  Really?  Well so are Osama Bin Laden, Aluminum Christmas trees, Ghost Hunters, and Detroit.  “Great for what they are” is a left-handed compliment at best.

Still- let’s examine what these “are”.  First off, let’s stop calling them 3 ¾” figures.  They are closer to 4” figures.  By my measurements, they are 4 3/16”.  So that’s how I will refer to them.  I have nothing against this smaller scale per se.  My problem is that they represent a step backwards in the evolution of the action figure.  Ever since the vintage Star Wars line, boys’ action figures have gotten finer sculpting and more articulation, culminating in the six inch, highly articulated figures that we are familiar with today.  The Marvel Universe line represents a step backward.  It’s nothing less than the devolution of action figures.  I mean, I love Mike Sekowsky but can you imagine the revolt among comic readers if artists started drawing like him today?  Or if we abandoned computer coloring?  So why should we walk back our action figures?


What are the two things figure collectors clamor for today?  Beautiful sculpts and insane amounts of articulation.  Often these two qualities are at odds, and there is an ongoing rift between collectors that value one over the other.  But whether you prefer form or function, the 4 3/16” size caters to neither. At this size BOTH sculpt and articulation are sacrificed.  Oh sure, they try and split the difference with a balance of decent sculpts and pretty good articulation.  But they still can’t achieve the poseablility of say, 18″ Movie Spidey or the sculpt of a Tim Bruckner Joker.

Secret Wars

So what is the attraction?  If you ask a Hasbro rep, they might tell you it’s about character selection.  At this size and price point they can put out a larger number of new characters more quickly, allowing fans to build their “universes” more quickly and completely.  I have to take issue with that.  It’s true that in the first year we’re seeing such fan demanded, never before seen figures such as Sunfire, Ultron, The Enchantress, Firestar, Klaw, The Wrecking Crew, Thunderbird, Modern versions of Luke Cage and Iron Fist, Classic Ms. Marvel, Jim Lee era Jean Grey, and three versions of James Barnes (as Bucky, Winter Soldier, and Captain America).   However, where are the other 3000+ characters that we’ve all been demanding for years?  At a rate of less than two fan demanded characters a month, Hasbro hardly seems serious about building a “universe”.

There is a fanboy that I see a lot at my local comic shop.  His name is Eric.  Eric loves the Marvel Universe line.  He told me that he just thinks they are fun toys, that the lower price point makes him feel more relaxed about collecting them and that the scale was easier for him to both display and store.  So, basically he was making an argument for how convenient they are.  Seriously?  That’s how we’re going to evaluate superhero toys now; how “easy” they are to collect?  And how much “fun” they are?  I’m sorry but I have no time for people that want to half ass toy collecting.  If you’re not willing to make the sacrifices necessary to collect toys properly, then in my opinion, you don’t derserve to collect toys.  I’m sorry, I really am but that’s how I feel and nobody is going to make me say otherwise.  That sort of collecting disrespects the properties themselves.  If you want to gripe about figures aimed at kids, like scuba Spidey, then you can’t turn around and say, “I bought this because it’s fun to play with”.  That’s a double standard I can’t abide.  Collect with respect or get the F outta the way.


I’ve heard other fans of the MU line say that they love the 4 3/16” scale because that’s the size of action figures that they’ve been collecting for many years with Star Wars, G.I. Joe, etc.  So you’re telling me that because you want Hawkeye to fly the Millennium Falcon or Deadpool to make out with Lady Jaye, real collectors like myself must be subjected to substandard, reduced size super heroes?  I need hardly say how utterly selfish that type of thinking is.

At the end of our conversation Eric said to me, “Cliff, what do you care?  If they make people happy, then great.  You don’t have to buy them.”

You don’t have to buy them.

How many times have I read that on message forums throughout the internet?  It’s a red herring, people.  Think about it.  What happens if we don’t buy comic book action figures?  They won’t get made, is what.  Toy companies have our nuts in a vice and they know it.  They know we’re forced to buy whatever they put out.  But I’m not going to sit here and be all Kum-bay-fracking-yah about what they’re forcing down my throat.  I’ll buy them, but I won’t buy them without a fight.

Iron Men

So here I sit.  One year into this fiasc-bro with about 60 new Marvel figures that I can’t use or display with any other toys I own.  I’m basically left to use and display them with each other as if they were their own collection, completely apart from Legends or anything else.  Which means in the end, I’m forced to look on these 4 3/16″ figures not as substandard Legends, but as an entirely new line of Marvel action figures.  Taken in that light, I suppose they’re not all that much worse than every other Marvel figure line that has existed.  They’ve all had grave faults.  But it sure would be nice if the powers-that-be could stop trying to move forward with new toys and start looking back to their old toys for inspiration.  Is that so much to ask?

Until next time,

(If the Turtle van’s a rockin’, don’t come a knockin’)

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