Sillof continues his redesigning the universe of the science fiction classic DUNE by Frank Herbert.
In Wave III, House Harkonnen gets its turn. Sillof has painstakingly re-visioned each character using only his imagination and the descriptions found in the classic 1965 novel and ignoring the look and inaccuracies of the video games, role-playing & card games, film and television mini series adaptations as well as the newer novels.
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
Description from novel:
“Grossly and immensely fat. And with subtle bulges beneath the folds of his dark robes to reveal that all this fat was sustained partly by portable suspensors harnessed to his flesh.
“fat cheeks were two cherubic mounds beneath spider-black eyes.”
“His jowls bobbed up and down; the suspensors jiggled and shifted beneath his orange robe.”
Piter de Vries
Description from novel:
“His eyes were the blue-within-blue that marks all addicted to spice.”
“tall, slender, with something suggesting effeminancy.”
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen
Description from novel:
“His dark hair was dressed in close ringlets that seemed incongruously gay above sullen eyes. He wore a tight-fitting black tunic and snug trousers with a suggestion of bell at the bottom. Soft-soled slippers covered his small feet.”
“the black glove and the long knife in his right hand, the white glove and the short knife in his left hand.”
Glossu Rabban Harkonnen
Description from novel:
“low built, gross of face and body, with the Harkonnen paternal line’s narrow-set eyes and bulge of shoulders. There was yet some rigidity in his fat”
Sillof [email protected]
Sillof’s Dune: House Harkonnen
– Recipes
o Baron – Kingpin, various fodder and Apoxie sculpt.
o Piter – Adranath, various fodder and Apoxie sculpt.
o Feyd – Baron Zemo, , various fodder and Apoxie sculpt.
o Rabban – Doctor Octopus, various fodder and Apoxie sculpt.