Even with a busy sales day at Mattycollector.com Toy Guru and Matty return like clockwork to answer your questions!
1. The side-to-side rocker ankles on MOTUC Teela look perfect. Can we get those on some DCUC figures?
When appropriate and workable, yes.
2. Would it be possible to get some Proton streams for the Proton Packs in an upcoming Ghost Busters release? Those would be great for some action posing.
Yes…that would be a cool pack in….
3. You recently confirmed that the Matty Collector DCUC two-packs will be done after the Justice in the Jungle set but can we (hopefully) expect to still see exclusive DCUC product on Matty Collector in the future?
I am still looking for ways to bring DCUC to Mattycollector. Hopefully starting with Wave 11 I’ll have the standard waves available. I should be able to confirm this soon.
4. We know that MOTUC takes most of its stylistic cues from the classic 80s line, but what about Mantenna? If/when you get around to doing him for the line, would his four legs be connected two by two like the old figure, or all for individual like he has been portrayed in the 200x and She-Ra cartoons?
It’s too early to tell, but likely I’ll try to go for 4 legs since he would need new legs anyway to show the “2 combined legs” like the vintage figure had. I might also give him two heads, one with eyes up, one with eyes down.
5. How do you prefer your Louis Tully? Nerdy accountant or butt-kicking 5th Ghost Buster?
Nerdy accountant all the way (actually, we do not have rights currently to Louis from GB 2, so if we get to him, he would be in a movie one look).
*Thanks fellas!
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