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New Custom Tuesday – 10/27/9

Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread.

For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured custom is Raydaimon’s Ms. Marvel:

Ms. Marvel - Raydaimon
Ms. Marvel - Raydaimon

I love the proportions on this figure.  I can’t quite figure out the base body, but it has a nice weight to it and manages to make the character look powerful.  I usually don’t care for the aesthetics of this articulation scheme, but it looks really nice and functional here.  Check out more pics in Ray’s thread by clicking on the above picture.

Here are the rest of this past week’s customs! Click the pics for links to their respective threads:

Black Widow - Jbuchoa
Black Widow - Jbuchoa
Volturi-Smack-Down Edward New Moon - MsBig
Volturi-Smack-Down Edward "New Moon" - MsBig
MISTER HYDE - The Man in the Anthill
MISTER HYDE - The Man in the Anthill
Cyclops (Scott Summers) - GroverLewis
Cyclops (Scott Summers) - GroverLewis
Sgt. Rock - Ibentmyman-thing
Sgt. Rock - Ibentmyman-thing
Earth 2 Robin - AstroJoe62
Earth 2 Robin - AstroJoe62
Spider-Man Unlimited - Vash_15
Spider-Man Unlimited - Vash_15
Electro - Pearsonic
Electro - Pearsonic

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