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New Custom Tuesday – 10/20/9

Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread.

For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured custom is Bill Vermin’s modern Mystique:

Mystique - Bill Vermin
Mystique - Bill Vermin

I loved Brian K. Vaughn’s Mystique series, so I was delighted to see this custom.  The base body is so perfect for this version of Mystique, I can almost imagine that hasbro planned the re-use.  I love the shiny black finish of the costume.  Click the pic for a link to Bill Vermin”s thread and more pics.

Here are the rest of this past week’s customs! Click the pics for links to their respective threads:

Hawkeye - Norm
Hawkeye - Norm
Pearsonic Cup - Pearsonic
Pearsonic Cup - Pearsonic
Gotham by Gaslight Batman - Skullder
Gotham by Gaslight Batman - Skullder
Roland at The Tower. - spawnsauce
Roland at The Tower. - spawnsauce
The Trio "Flooded" - MsBig
The Trio "Flooded" - MsBig

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