Lots of things to panic about this week, so let’s jump right into..
The Microverse:
In our new weekly update on the state of Pabs’ toy needs, he now has all but Crossbones of the Ares Wave. There are…some other people missing him too, but none of you started a website, did you? DID YOU!!!??? No you did not. Pabs carefully built Fwoosh up over a period of nearly 7 years just to have an extensive intercontinental network of people specifically looking for Crossbones for him. I don’t know about any of you, but I admire that amount of planning and patience.
As soon as Pabs has this wave, he can review it. Personally, I can’t wait until he reviews the Galactus wave. I hear it was a humdinger. The word “Humdinger” on loan from 1952. I’ll be sure to get it back by midnight, dagnabberit.
Wave 2.5 of the two packs are now out, which means Stealth Iron Man and the first appearance of Dum Dum Dugan into the Marvel Legends line. Of the two, Stealth Iron man may be harder to find.
Dum Dum also marks the first time a kid can call their parents a dum dum but then say they were talking to the toy. They’re going to love Marvel’s next two pack: Deadpool and Jerk-off.
The Multiverse:
The Public Enemies toys have begun showing up at Target, and batcrap insanity has shown up in the wave ten thread. Well, that showed up a while ago, but it just unpacked, so it’s going to be here a while. The wave ten thread has become a little like Uncle Mitch, who still thinks saying “pull my finger” is funny. I’m not really sure where I was going with that, other than something stinks, and I’m blaming wave ten. Ah yes, there we go.
Wal-mart had this to say:
You have to get out of there. You’re vagina is haunted!
No help at all as usual, Wal-mart.
Fwooshers really want Swamp Thing. They also want a new Killer Croc but can’t agree what specific version to make him in. Which obviously means human with skin condition. I SAID IT.
The Expanded Universe:
This week, Ray comes out in the Matty Ghostbusters line. There’s a schism (yes a schism) in thought between the need for unique body styles and just wanting the four figures, re-use be damned. A third faction of people can’t seem to make up their mind, mainly because they have the ubercatchy theme song in their head and can’t concentrate on anything else. Seriously, it’s like aural crack.
For Masters of the Universe, this week two figures are being released: Teela and Zodak, with a K. I’m so glad I clarified the K part. If you’re not collecting this line you’re not cool. I’m sorry to have to break that to you, but it’s true.
In the Bar With No Name:
In the Are you a floor eater thread, Lefthook’s story about eating off the floor is THE WORST STORY EVER!!! Gah. Blah. Blaargh. I’d still be spitting.
Snowglare apparently aaaalmost posts quite a bit, but then decides against it. So do I, Snowglare. So do I.
In the Comic Relief Forum:
With such scintillating lines as the aforementioned “You have to get out of there Your vagina is haunted” (which is almost as catchy as Kanye’s already dated “Yo (blank) I’m really happy for ya and I’m gonna let you finish.” How awesome would it have been if he jumped up and told Taylor her vagina was haunted, she had to get out of there. Seriously, Kanye, don’t waste these opportunities) Tarot is a high quality comic filled with brilliant writing. Sure, some companies go with a Haunted Tank, but the other is way more interesting.
In other news, Comic collecting lost another one as fwoosher TFitz gave up on the hobby.
In the Multiplex:
A sequel to Phantom of the Opera is being made. The title is Phantom of the Opera: Love never dies. Which is a lot better than the original title, Phantom of the Opera: Don’t bother buying tickets to this because Michael Crawford isn’t in it.
The first one probably fits on a Marquee better.
And that’s some of what’s been going on in fwoosh this week.
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