Matty has updated his Face Book page with the latest information about the Masters of the Universe Classics Goddess figure. Here is the skinny:
Check out the Goddess in all her glory! This fan demanded figure comes out this December 15th. Note that she is not included in the 2009 subscription, so if you want to add her to your collection, move fast!
Goddess comes with removable snake armor, corodite armor, power shield and Grayskull’s axe to train her warriors as well as an all new staff of the Elders. Catch her before she magically disappears!
Check out the Goddess in all her glory! This fan demanded figure comes out this December 15th. Note that she is not included in the 2009 subscription, so if you want to add her to your collection, move fast! Goddess comes with removable snake armor, corodite armor, power shield and Grayskull’s axe to train her warriors as well as an all new staff of the Elders. Catch her before she magically disappears!
Goddess package frontPackage back with new bio and classsic artCheck out the transulcent skin