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Keep on Rockin’ in the Fourth World

new-gods_smIt’s that time again when Fwoosh members are coming together to cast their ballots for their Top Ten favorite characters they want to see immortalized in plastic across their favorite superhero toy lines – DC Universe Classics, Marvel Legends and Marvel Universe. We do this a couple of times a year and each time I start to reflect on the characters that I REALLY want to see in action figure form, no matter how unlikely they seem. It makes for some fun consideration but it seems like, every time I think about the guys and girls I want for the DCUC line, I always come back to one pocket of sheer coolness within the DCU –The Fourth World.

So far, the DCUC line has been very good to some of my favorite Jack Kirby creations, but I might be enthusiastic or just selfish because I want more. Lots more. So, I thought I would take this opportunity to look at our Fourth World story so far, and where I would like to see it go before it is all over.

The New Gods
The New Gods

Before I begin, I have to admit that I want a lot of teams/groups/pockets of the DCU filled out via Classics. Indeed, the JSA, JLI, Freedom Fighters, Secret Society of Super Villains, Metal Men, Doom Patrol and on and on are all big wants from me, and I will continue to push those groups as well (Liberty Belle and Cyclone will not leave my Top Ten until they are made. Period). However, I always come back to the New Gods when I think about the major, constant presence I hope to continue in DCUC.



Perhaps the most recognized of the Gods from New Genesis, we were able to get our Orion figure, complete with Astro Harness, right out of the gate in DCUC series one. Lightning even struck twice as we later got another version of Orion with a removable helmet in the New Gods two-pack.



Speaking of the New Gods two-pack, if there was any character that made sense to pack alongside Orion, it is is best friend Lightray. The light-hearted yin to Orion’s stern yang, Lightray was a big surprise release for me so early on in the line. I mean, I am big fan of his character as well as his look, but he was on of the first real signs to me that DCUC was going to start to delve deep into the Fourth World, and they did with a great looking figure.

Mister Miracle

Mister Miracle
Mister Miracle

Series six brought us one of my favorite New Gods characters, Scott Free a.k.a. Mister Miracle. Along with the aforementioned Orion, Mister Miracle is probably one of the best known New Gods of New Genesis. Introduced in his own series in 1971 by Jack Kirby, Scott has one of the most unique looks and most unique super powers (super hero escape artist) of any super hero up to that point or since

Doctor Impossible

Doctor Impossible
Doctor Impossible

Not much is known about Mister Miracle’s supposed half-brother Jonas Locke. He wears an almost inverted colors costume from Scott and has an implement that he refers to as a “Father Box”. His comic exposure is extremely limited up to this point, but perhaps DC Editorial will get their act together at some point and flesh out this mysterious character.



The unfortunate son of Apokolips’ supreme leader Darkseid, Kalibak spends a good deal of his time trying to prove his worth to his father, often doing so by battling his more revered half-brother Orion. The first New God Collect and Connect, I am especially happy that we got the classic version of Kalibak that makes for one of my favorite figures of the entire line.

Big Barda

Big Barda
Big Barda

Getting Mister Miracle’s wife in series seven continued a run of of consecutive series with a New Gods figure that has spanned all the way through series twelve. Barda has one of the most interesting histories of all of the Fourth World characters, from Apokoliptian Fury to quiet suburbanite and we have two versions to choose from, with or without her elaborate helmet.



Darkseid’s loyal shock troops of Apokolips, the Parademon represents the first true “army builder” in DCUC. Not only did we get the classic green and yellow design ‘demon but we also got a variant of the red, more demonic-looking, Super Powers-inspired version. Personally I am more of a fan of the former, but the latter provides some great variation on the shelf.



The Bug scourge of Apokolips was first introduced in the initial run of the Forever People. Thought to perhaps be even stronger than Darkseid himself, we are fortunate enough to get his classic version as well as the odd robot version that Kirby himself redesigned for the original Super Powers line.



The heroic Bug of New Genesis has an extremely heroic history from his humble origins to his selfless death in the Cosmic Odyssey saga. Set to be release in series ten, Forage includes his essential shield and acid pods and makes for such a great looking figure Orion himself has to give him props.



This uncle of Darkseid will be debuting in DCUC series eleven in both his classic green and Super Powers duds. A master hunter, Steppenwolf serves Apokolips but not without a level or mistrust of his nephew and the rest of his inner circle. For me, the classic Steppenwolf figure looks like he might be one of the best figures of the entire line; the translation from page to plastic looks dead-on.



Darkseid’s master torturer, Desaad is on of those unlikely action figures. Mostly a small man in a long robe, he does not scream “toy-etic” but thanks to the DCUC crew (and probably to his Super Powers figure) we will be getting this essential character in series twelve. He comes with his Super Powers, ahem, Vibro-shocker that looks to be removable so you can also pose him simply sniveling at his master’s (dark) side.



Arguably the biggest bad ass (and most famous New God) in all of the DC Universe first made his debut in the DC Superheroes line as a fantastic single-carded figure. Series twelve will bring him in his Collect and Connect form, complete with Killing Glove. I was one that did not believe Darkseid needed to be redone, but after seeing the Four Horsemen’s second crack at him, I am thrilled to be getting him (ab-crunch!). I REALLY hope he will not be too big though, that is my one fear for this great looking figure.

So, that is the story so far. I dare say it is an impressive line up with most of the heavy-hitters included. So, kudos for that. However, Toy Guru did say that they New Gods were hitting a crescendo with series twelve and would then drop off, at least for awhile (the rumored series thirteen seems indicative of this). But I say, nay! Nay, I say! There is a lot more work to do in the Fourth World with some essential and very toy-etic character still needing to be done. So, what would it take to satiate me? Here is my list, complete with essentials and “would love to see, even if they are unlikely” figures. I think there is a lot of room left for them and they can all be worked into the line through various executions. Let’s start with the New Genesis crew:



Metron is the most essential New Gods character left in my opinion. Certainly one of the most interesting characters of this lore, Metron spends his time flying around in his Mobius Chair observing. Ah, and in that chair presents the challenge: it is 100% absolutely essential that we get Metron AND his chair. A figure of Metron himself would be fairly easy to do as he could use a blank buck body, but that chair is going to have to be a lot of new tooling. But this should not scare Mattel away from making him, they just need to do it right. I am seeing his inclusion in a Fourth World boxset or perhaps as a deluxe figure on www. or even as a San Diego Comic Con exclusive.

High Father

High Father
High Father

Izaya is to New Genesis as Darkseid is to Apokolips. Thus, we NEED this leader of of the planet of the Gods. High Father has been an essential part of the Fourth World saga from his exchanging his son with Darkseid to insure peace to his becoming one with the Source Wall. Plus, he would make a great-looking figure of a big bearded guy in armor if they wanted to do that look. He needs to exact revenge of Steppenwolf, and I want to be able to do that in plastic.

Black Racer

Black Racer
Black Racer

The avatar of death in the DC Universe, the Black Racer is an ominous presence at all times. While his corporeal form is the paralyzed Willie Walker, the Black Racer is one of the most powerful beings around and is charged with taking the New Gods to Hadis upon their death. Plus, he is a guy that travel around on super skis. It doesn’t get much cooler than that.



When the Forever People (I will get to them in just a second) all touch their Mother Box and shout “Tarru!” they change places with the nearly-invulnerable Infinity-Man. He has fought off many troubles through out his tenure in the DCU and this brother of Darkseid has recently been responsible for the killing off of several of the Fourth World characters. He could be a single carded figure or a Collect and Connect.

Big Bear

Big Bear
Big Bear

Ah, my favorite member of the super-youths from Super Town is the heart and soul of the Forever People, Big Bear! He has superhuman strength, the ability to alter the density of matter and in his time travels on Earth he was responsible for the events that lead to the legend of King Arthur. He is also the main pilot of the Super Cycle. What is not to love? Plus, he has a great look to boot. Make him a Collect and Connect and get the Forever People started off right!

Mark Moonrider

Mark Moonrider
Mark Moonrider

The leader of the Forever People with the Megaton Touch (he can shoot energy bolts from his hands), Mark Moonrider was recently revealed to have been a part of the original DCUC series ten line-up. It is time to make good on that removal and give us a figure of Mark, and right away soon. Like his pal Big Bear, Mr. Moonrider has a look that is just so accessible to an action figure. It is time!

Beautiful Dreamer

Beautiful Dreamer
Beautiful Dreamer

The sole female member of the Forever People, Dreamer was originally used as more of a plot device (kidnapped by Darkseid) but over time she has been revealed to be one of the most powerful New Gods out there, and that is saying a lot! She has a mind capable of understanding the Anti-Life Equation and has been romantically linked to both Big Bear and Mark Moonrider. Plus, we always need more female figures.



With his ability to control magnetic fields, and with his talent for technology or and electronics, Vykin is usually the member of the Forever People who is in charge of their Mother Box. He is also a landmark character as he is the first hero of color to appear in a DC comic, a tribute to Jack Kirby’s progressive and inclusive nature. He would also be the easiest of all of the Forever People to make in figure form as he would mostly use a blank buck body.



The youngest member of the Forever People, Serifan doesn’t have any real super powers on his own, but but he is essentially a space cowboy, and every toy line needs at least one of those. He does carry around six-shooters with cosmic cartridges so what he doesn’t have in powers he makes up for in awesomely-named weapons. Oh, and if they did make him they could reuse a lot of his parts for characters like Bat Lash and the Greg Saunders Vigilante. Just sayin’.



A young resident of the Forever People’s home Super Town, Fastbak uses aero-pads on his shoes in order to help help travel great distances at a tremendous speed. He has a bright costume that would be great in action figure form and he is yet another one of those characters that can use a blank buck body for most of figure. Bill Benecke also dropped his name in an interview he did with Toy Fare magazine so he should at least be in their minds somewhere. Don’t think I would let you forget about that, Bill!

That seems like a fair list of essential characters. There are a couple more I will get to in my “less likely but still cool to have” section. In the meantime, let’s turn our attention to the denizens of Apokolips.

Granny Goodness

Granny Goodness
Granny Goodness

We all need to be in Granny’s loving care! The matriarch of the Female Furies and the director of the hellish Apokolips orphanages, Granny Goodness is by far and away the most essential member of Darkseid’s Elite that has never, EVER had a figure. I think she is gaining enough popularity that Mattel should take a chance on bringing her to plastic. Plus, if you do Granny then you will have the base body for Ma Hunkle and Amanda Waller, so three figures for [basically] the price of one!



Kanto is one of those characters that just screams “Make me into an action figure!”. Darkseid’s master assassin, Kanto modeled his look after costumes of Earth’s Renaissance period. Once a student of Granny Goodness, the one originally called Iluthin is a master swordsman and a constant thorn in the side of Mister Miracle.

Glorious Godfrey

Glorious Godfrey
Glorious Godfrey

Darkseid’s master persuader, Godfrey is often used to help sway the mindless masses of Earth (much like a televangelist) to reject their heroes and embrace the coming of the rule of Darkseid. Another member of Darkseid’s Elite, Godfrey is one of his master’s more loyal operatives and he would make for an interesting figure in his almost religious-pattern robes. We need someone to plant the seeds of acceptance for the rule of Darkseid, make it so Mattel! Make it so! (I wish my powers of persuasion were as strong as Godfrey’s.)

Virman Vundabar

Virman Vundabar
Virman Vundabar

A minion and pupil of Granny Goodness, Vermin models his appearance and personality after Prussian military officers. While he is a member of Darkseid’s Elite, he has, on more than one occasion, tried to usurp his leader’s power. I have to admit, I really did enjoy the way he was handled on the Justice League Unlimited cartoon, the accent pulled everything together for me. Plus, just look at him, I promise you will have no other figure on your shelf that will look anything like Vermin.

Doctor Bedlam

Doctor Bedlam
Doctor Bedlam

A being of pure psionic energy, Doctor Bedlam inhabits “blank” android bodies in order to become corporeal. He is one of Darkseid’s Elite and is his chief scientist responsible for the “paranoid pill” capable to unleashing a gas that causes temporary insanity. Again, he would be a relative easy figure to produce as his actual body is really just a blank buck, just like a figure base body.



After the defection of Big Barda to New Genesis, Bernadeth became the field co-leader of the Female Furies. She is a bad mamma-jamma that is armed with a farhen-knife that burns her enemies from the inside out. As the sister of Desaad she carries a lot of weight on Apokolips. Often at odds with her fellow Fury Lashina, Bernadeth would make a great initial foray into a must-needed team.



The other co-leader of the Female Furies, Lashina has probably gained the most visibility and notoriety of any of their members (she was also a member of the Suicide Squad). Of all of the Furies, she would be the easiest figure for Mattel to make and she has a cool look that would make it possible for he to be in a regular series.

Mad Harriet

Mad Harriet
Mad Harriet

The third member of the Female Furies, like her teammate Lashina, Mad Harriet was raised in one of Granny’s orphanages on Apokolips. She is certifiably insane and wields claws on her knuckles that she uses to slash up her enemies. That is a lethal combination. Again, just look at her – she is an action figure waiting to happen. Pity she has never had one.



The biggest member of the Female Furies, Stompa was born a warrior. She has super strength and durability and as her name suggests, she can create earthquake with her giant-sized 36 boots (I am just guessing at the size). She was responsible for the death of the character of Harbinger and she would provide some needed size and strength to the most kick-ass lady team in the DCU.



Knockout is the only Fourth World character on this list that was not originally created by Jack Kirby (aside from the already produced Doctor Impossible). That should say something for how cool she is. A former Female Fury, she enjoyed most of her fame from her membership in the Secret Six (becoming very close to Scandal Savage). Plus, we need someone that can go toe to toe with Wonder Woman and Big Barda, so Knockout is the one for me.

That is my long list of required figures, must haves. Now, that does not mean I am done. No, no, there are a few others that I would deem less likely, yet just as cool and essential.

Mokkari and Simyan

Mokkari and Simyan
Mokkari and Simyan

The two scientists of Darkseid’s Evil Factory, they have enjoyed a new interest thanks to their parts in Grant Morrison’s Final Crisis. These two have fantastic looks to them and although I would call them long shots for the line, I would love to have them on the shelf. Faithful Fwoosh Staffer Matthew K made some awesome customs of these guys and it makes me want my own figures of them even more.



A New Genesian living under cover as a Hunger Dog on Apokolips, Himon is the father of Orion’s wife Bekka and the mentor of Mister Miracle. He has been essential in many of the New Gods story lines, but at the end of the day, he is really a heavy-set guy in robes. That certainly does not help his action figure cause. We are getting Desaad though, so I will hold out hope.



Darkseid’s ground troops, the Justifiers are 100% loyal to their master and are fueled by the Anti-Life Equation. While they are not as well known as the Parademons (despite coming to the forefront again in Final Crisis), Justifiers would make another round of relatively inexpensive army builders. Just put the helmet on a blank body and you are there.

Devilance the Pursuer

Devilance the Pursuer
Devilance the Pursuer

Devilance is a big boy and he is one of Darkseid’s most respected minions. He is the ultimate hunter and has been successful in bringing his prey back to his master over and over again. His most famous battle was with the Infinity Man where they fought each other to the presumed death (and thus stranding the Forever People), but he also made a return in the 52 weekly series where he gave trouble to Adam Strange, Starfire and Animal Man. Say what you want, he would make a very cool figure and would have to be a Collect and Connect!



I know, he is not from New Genesis or Apokolips, he is an Earth-born little guy. However, he very closely tied as an assistant and ward to Mister Miracle and gained much fame during his involvement in the International incarnation of the Justice League. Ideally, I would have loved for him to have been a pack-in figure with Miracle or Barda, but he did not make the cut. Too small to be a single release, I hope he might show up with High Father or in a boxset.

Whew. Yeah, there is still a lot of work for Matty to do in order to get all of my required Fourth Worlders out there. I think they can do it though. There are so many different executions for this line right now that a combination of regular releases, two-packs, box sets and exclusives can help us get them all.Like I said, whenever Top Ten time rolls around I am transported right back to the Fourth World. I am not going to deny that DCUC has been great to us in terms of figures and character selection so far, but if this line is going to become the end-all DC action figure line, it needs to include these guys. I am confident that the line will go on for years to come so spreading our the natives of New Genesis and acolytes of Apokolips is very much within the span and scope of Mattel.If you are interested in learning more about Jack Kirby’s Fourth World, I would highly recommend that you check out the Fourth World Omnibus series (split up in four parts) to get the entire collected works of Kirby’s initial runs on New Gods, Mister Miracle, The Forever People and Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen. There is simply no denying that all of these character would make amazing DCUC figure at the hands of the Four Horsemen. Fourth World? FourHorsemen? It was meant to be.

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