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Demanded Characters – DCSH Redo

PhotobucketWelcome to another edition of Demanded Characters.  This week we are going to do things a little different. Instead of talking about a specific character and their wardrobe choices over the years, I though it would be interesting to talking about some figures that need an update. This week is all about which DCSH figures need an update in the DCUC line. 




Last week it seems like the red version of Ralph is top on the list for most fans.


None of us want to see a spot in the DCUC line taken up by a repackaged DCSH character. Sure some were impossible to find, but which newer character would you give up to see Supergirl or Two Face repackaged in the DCUC line?  We all complained and almost give up the line due to all the Bizarros, Supergirls, and Kingdom Supermen clogging the shelves for years while we waited for something new to come along. There are times though that figures need an update.  For example, anyone here think the Batman line Joker still looks good with the limited articulation and the fact he looks like a kid next to Harley? Are there those of us that are fans of the Legion of Doom that don’t want the new green skinned Brainiac?  Certainly not.  So here is my list of figures that I think should be redone, not repackaged, like the Cyborg Superman.  

Bane- This figure is massive, but he looks like he is trying to squat over a dirty toilet.  I love the design, from the detailed mask to the soles of his boots, but he is an awkward looking figure. I would not even mind if they used the same upper body if they fixed the legs.  


Lex Luthor- As a fan of the Super Powers line, I love the battle suit, but Lex needs a fancy expensive business suit. They now have a new suit body thanks to the Joker and Gentleman Ghost, so why not slap that bald head on the body and give us a Lex in his sharp business suit?


Mr. Freeze- The Horsemen did an incredible job on the details of his suit, but in recent comics Freeze has worn a less technologically enhanced suit, and that is the look I want standing with my other Bat Rogues. Make his helmet removable and you have an instant seller for me.  


Doomsday- There is no doubt that this Superman bad guy was shrunk from the beginning.  He should tower over the Man of Steel, but he should not be oversized like Grundy.  There is nothing wrong with the sculpt or the paint on the figure, so making him a little bigger would make him one of the most perfect figures made from Mattel.

No poll this week, instead let’s talk about who you want remade.  Remember just because it is a redo does not mean it is not worth it, just remember Nightwing.


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