and present the Marvel Universe Comic Covers contest.
Thanks to our friends on the Hasbro Marvel team, and are proud to present you with a chance to win one of three fantastic prize packs from Hasbro’s upcoming Fall line-up of Marvel products.
WHO: The Marvel Universe Comic Covers contest is open to readers of and at least 18 years of age as of June 14, 2009. Your entry in the contest constitutes your agreement to allow your cover recreations and your name or nickname to be published on, and other websites.
WHAT: We are looking for striking recreations of classic covers from the Marvel library of comic book titles, using action figures from the Marvel lines (Marvel Universe, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Marvel Legends, Marvel Mighty Muggs, Super Hero Squad) from Hasbro and Toy Biz. You may also include action figures that have been customized to portray Marvel characters.
WHEN: Deadline for submitting entries is July 17, 2009 at 11:59PM PT, via e-mail to [email protected]. Include the comic title and issue number of the cover you are recreating, and your name, nickname, and username on (if you have one), with your entry.
WHY: Hasbro is providing three prize packs of Marvel products, as described below. This will be your chance to get these products before they hit the shelves this fall. A selection of nominated and winning entries may appear on,, and other websites.
- Grand Prize : All three Hasbro / Marvel Comic Con Exclusives (70th Anniversary Invaders 4 pack, single carded grey scale Captain America, Wolverine Mighty Mugg) plus the new wave of Marvel Legends 2 packs (3)
- 2nd Prize : All three SDCC exclusives plus one new wave of Marvel Universe (5 single carded figs)
- 3rd prize : One wave of Secret Wars Comic 2 packs (3) plus one SDCC Wolverine Mighty Mugg
For more information, including pictures and descriptions of the prize items:
The Fine Print
- Entry period ends at 11:59PM Pacific time on July 17, 2009.
- All entries will become the property of and may be displayed on and other websites.
- The prize will be shipped to the winner directly from Winners who want their prize shipped outside of the United States will be responsible to pay for all shipping costs, including but not limited to shipping, taxes, and tariffs. In the event that a winner does not elect to pay these costs, an alternate winner will be selected.
- Staff members at and, and employees of Hasbro are not eligible for this contest (sorry guys!)
- By accepting the prize, the winner agrees to hold,, and Hasbro, Inc. and their respective directors, officers, employees and assigns harmless against any and all claims and liability arising out of the use or redemption of the prizes.