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Demanded Characters – Granny Goodness

Welcome back to another edition of Demanded Characters.  This week we wrap up our month long look at the Evil side of the new gods.  This character is the wicked step mother and wicked witch all rolled into one.  She is the most ruthless and evil female of the planet with a voice like Ed Asner. We will take a look at Granny Goodness and see what are our options to get this figure in the DCUC line.  

Last week everyone was on the same page, we need to build a solid army of Parademons.  

Read last week’s article


Like most of Darkseid’s followers Granny did not start off at the top of the heap.  She was a lower class member of Apokolips, a Lowie.  She fought and clawed her way to the top and was never afraid to spit in the face of authority.  While she was not outwardly defiant she knew when she had to break the rules to get ahead.  She started out training the Dog Troopers of Apokolips.  She was told at the end of her training to kill her pet, and she refused; killing her trainer instead.  Her defiance got the attention of Darkseid himself, and while he admired her spirit, he still needed to test her loyalty.  Darkseid ordered her pet hound Mercy to kill her and she did not think twice, killing the animal herself to show her loyalty to Darkseid and her will to survive.  Darkseid’s plans for this tough Lowlie were to train his new soldiers.  She was a ruthless task master who drove her “babies” to the breaking point.  Granny trained her recruits in “Orphanages” throughout Apokolips, and had a hand in making some of the most ruthless villains and some of the most fearless heroes. Both Scott Free (AKA Mr Miracle), and Barda are escapees of her training who are known to the Earth as two members of the JLA.  

Her loyal apprentices are the Female Furies, her elite guard that does her bidding and tries to win any fight they are a part of.  Recently, she took on the form of Athena to recruit on Earth for her Furies. Currently she is a Missy Elliot-like woman who helps run the Darkside Club training and controls the super youths of the DCU.

So the question this week is rather easy: Do you think Granny should be made a single carded figure, or does she need to be part of a two pack?  Or never mind Granny…just give us an Ed Asner figure??

I think she could work as a single figure with someone backing her up. There is no doubt that she would be a hard sell to most little kids and moms, but if you pack her with a great BAF part she would work.  If Mattel puts her with a weak BAF then her case gets harder sell. 

If she is part of a two pack then I think it would make most collectors happy.  It would take off the pressure of trying to find her a good wave to be part of.  There is no doubt that she is a must-have for the villains of Apokolips, but if she was part of a two pack or multi-pack with her furies it would be a top seller on Matty collector.

*Some images courtesy of Comic Vine


So what do you think how should we get our Granny?

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