Hey gang! Toy Guru was kind enough to send along a preview set of the upcoming Toys R Us exclusive DCUC New Gods Two Pack and man, are we glad he did. Read on to get the scoop on this great new set.
Man, it is a good time to be an action-figure-collecting New Gods fan. Even as DC has been killing of these sensational characters, Mattel has been bringing them to life in fine fashion. We have Darkseid and his wayward son Orion already and this Fall they will be joined by Mr. Miracle, Dr. Impossible, Kalibak, TWO versions of Big Barda and these newly featured figures of Lightray and Orion. All I can say is: Mattel, keep the New Gods love coming.
I know you are here to see the pictures of these bad boys so I will keep the words short and to the point. Here are some thoughts:
First, just to the figures themselves, Orion and Lightray have the best quality control of any DCUC figure I have had yet. They are certainly evey bit as good as series one and two in regards to plastic and joint quality and the paint is just as nice as the recently released series four. Actually, these two figures are pretty much flawless when it comes to paint applications, I hope that is a constant treand when these figures hit retail.
Specifically, Lightray (one of my more anticipated figures of the year) makes great use of the Crime Stopper Batman basic buck body and he is cast in white plastic. The symbol on his chest is nice and clean and there is no bleed on his gold boots and the fine lines painted on them. Also, there is no bleed of the red paint to the white, something that I presumed was just going to be a fact of life. No sloppy lines here. Also, you know the drill with sculpts, the Four Horsemen are a force and Lightray’s head sculpt captures the character just perfectly. I really like this figure and his costume color scheme will make him stand out on your shelf, he will be worth the cost of the set alone.
That did not stop Mattel from giving us a great Orion figure too though. They could have just repacked the series one figure and called it done, but this time they gave him a removable helmet. I always fear this execution as it is very rare that it is accomplished well. Most figures with removable helmets either have pin-heads to make the helmet look proper while on or have ridiculously large heads to fit over the head. Either way, you are more often left with a figure that you are supposed to be able to display two ways, only looking right with one option or the other. I am happy to say that his figure is the definite exception. Orion’s helmet fits perfectly over his head and looks very natural. It also has more of a Kirby look to it than the series one version, which is always a plus. But Orion also has very nicely proportioned head with a great sculpt to match (depicting his non-feral look).
Okay, I have gone on longer that I originally intended so I will leave you with this: pick up this set when it comes out (exclusive to Toys R Us) as you will not be disappointed. Also, be on the look out for three more sets- one featuring a reissued Batgirl (Barbara) and Azrael, one with the reissued Cyborg Superman and Mongul and the one I am looking forward to getting my mitts on- the Green Lantern set featuring a redecoed Hal Jordan and Abin Sur. I would imagine these babies will start showing up in the next couple of weeks so be on the look out.
Enjoy the pics and thanks for reading!
*Thanks again to Toy Guru for sending this set along!
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