Welcome to another edition of Demanded Characters. After a short break from all the excitement of SDCC, we are back to wrap up the elder generation of the JSA still kicking on the current team. The final character is a speedster all the way back from the 1940’s whose origin was simpler and whose powers were straightforward: he moved fast. I am of course talking about the original scarlet speedster, Jay Garrick.
Last time we talked Wildcat was the topic and it looks like most agree that the version with taped hands is the main choice.

There is not as much back story or hiccups for Jay Garrick as there are for the majority of heroes in the DCU. His origin is straight forward: he was doing an experiment in college and it went wrong. He was knocked out as a result of the accident, and when he woke up he found he had powers. Jay had the ability to run fast, move fast, and he used his powers to fight crime. His costume was simple, a red shirt with a lightening bolt and blue jeans. The look has not changed much over the years. The other part of his costume was his silver helmet which had two meanings. One: he was a crime fighter, a soldier against the evil of the world and his helmet was a WW I soldier’s helmet. Two: he added yellow wings which would connect him to the Greek god Mercury, the speedy messenger of the gods. Jay’s change from Golden Age to Modern has not changed much, only some subtle differences in his shirt or pants but the major change in the character is age. Jay then was a dark-haired crime fighter who, with a smirk on his face, could run around the world before you could ask him the time. Now he is the source of knowledge and wisdom that helps guide the newer generation of heroes in the DCU.

The main question that comes out of today’s poll is not so much what costume do you want to see Jay in when he is part of the DCUC, but more of what kind of JSA do you want to see in the DCUC. These JSA polls mainly boil down to Golden vs. Modern and I don’t think either is wrong. I think the both have their place in the DCUC, but what should come first?
The Golden Age should be first!
There is no way you should start with the modern versions. Characters like the Golden Age Flash, Green Lantern, and Wildcat should all be in their original costumes. They are classic in design and their history should be introduced to the new readers and collectors. If anyone deserves to be 1st appearance figures it should be the JSA. They were created back then and their best stories were when they were introduced and created. It was a time before all these convoluted cross-overs and watering down of their abilities. They were heroes: plain and simple, and they should be made as Golden Age characters before we get to the Modern Age. It is very apparent that the JLA is being made is from a specific era, so why shouldn’t the JSA. I know we just saw Atom Smasher from the modern JSA at SDCC, but we are getting a Barry Flash before the Wally Flash, so Mattel is pushing for some kind of order to their line ups to keep some consistency. The JSA should be Golden before Modern. Those looks are iconic and should be well represented in the line. And remember, these are action figures and older JSA’ers look more like seniors then action heroes.
The Modern Age should come first:
There is no doubt in my mind why the Modern Age JSA should be made first. I was too young to remember the older JSA. I did not read the book when Wildcat had claws on his hands and feet, or when Alan and Jay had blonde hair, or their main enemies were the Nazi communists and the McCarthy trials. I grew up in the 80’s and really got into comics in the 90’s. My first introduction to the JSA was as older heroes in Zero Hour, and I always thought of them as the grandparents of the DCU. In modern times the DCUC seems to be separated into 4 tiers: the Older generation (Alan and Jay), the adults (Bats and Sups), the 20 something’s (Nightwing, Donna), and the Kids (Robin and Wondergirl). On the Modern JSA I think all of those generations are well represented, from Jay to Obsidian to Stargirl, you get all the levels of the DCU on one team and when I display my JSA I want to have that kind of look. I don’t think you lose anything by making a modern JSA. They may look a little older but they still fight side by side with the other heroes. I also think that by making modern versions you are giving the public something to buy that they recognize from modern comics and it gives the line a longer life. Classic versions of the JSA are important but I think they would be better off as variants of the modern versions, or as 1st appearance figures later down the road.

So the hard and controversial question: Modern or Golden?
I know it will be hard but please try to respect everyone’s opinions, some times choices are sentimental, some are artistic, and some are just a mix of reasons. Whatever choice you make, give reasons so that Mattel can hear your opinions on this highly debated subject.
Some images courtesy of Comic Vine
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