Alright, people get ready! The 2008 San Diego Comic Con officially kicks off exactly one week from today with Preview Night (July 23rd, 6:00-9:00pm) leading into a four day weekend of geek madness. As usual, representatives from the faithful Fwoosh staff will be in attendance to bring you the scoop on all things toyetic and otherwise with pictures, interviews, panel coverage and overall debauchery. Those of you that are not able to be there in person, stay tuned to for daily updates and “live from the floor” tidbits.
Now, for those of you that ARE going to be there live and in person we have the plans set for the SDCC Fwoosh Experience. First of all, we want you to take lots of pictures of what you see at the booths, Fwooshers that you meet and give us a little written synopsis of your time spent at the biggest nerd-fest of the year. It can be about anything- what you saw, what you liked, the people that you met, weirdos, booth babes, whatever. We want to compile a retrospective that we can publish in the E-Zine and would like stories and input from all that attend. If you are interested in taking part, send all questions, pictures and write-ups to VeeBee via pm or email. You have your Fwoosh Assignment, go forth, True Believers.
Finally, and most importantly, we have locked down all the details for the promised Fwooshering get-together. Friday night will be party time with all of your fellow Fwooshers! Come chat and imbibe tasty beverages with staffers and e-friends. Are you ready yet? It should be a blast! Here are all the details you need to make sure you don’t miss out on what is sure to be the least-behaved social event of the entire convention.
When: Friday, July 25th 2008 from 7:30-?
Where: Dick’s Last Resort, San Diego.
Who: Official Fwooshers and Friends of ol’ Fwoosh alike.
Important Details: Staff will be congregating right outside of the convention center (look for the Fwoosh T-shirts) at 7:30 under the “E” entrance (the doors are marked with big red signs, look for E, you can’t miss it). From there we will be moving on to the restaurant at around 7:45. Join us there and we can walk over as a group or you can meet us at Dick’s if you prefer (address below) at any time. We are tentatively looking at about 35-40 strong in terms of attendance, but the more the merrier.
One thing to note: SDCC is a HUGE event and just about every single eatery/bar downtown is going to be packed and they ain’t taking reservations. It might be a little cramped and seating for food (if you desire) might have a little bit of a wait, so be prepared to be flexible. No matter what though, it should be a good time. We are starting fairly early but we will go as late as the party lasts, so be ready! It is a casual gathering (hey, this is the Fwoosh) so come and go as you please, we are looking forward to meeting (and drinking) with everyone. If you have any questions/comments/concerns about the Fwooshering, please discuss in the thread linked below.
Have a blast at the con and we hope to see you all there!
Dick’s Last Resort San Diego
345 4th Ave
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 231-9100
Additional Links