Vidmouse customs is proud to present its line of Marvel "Street" Heroes
for CustomCon XX! Marvel Street Heroes depicts characters from the
Marvel Universe that one might find traversing the streets of New York
City. In wave 1, Daredevil shows his pride and famous billy club
(holster included!) as he defends the city from the Hulk’s (not
included) rampage! Ghost Rider sits tall on his flaming stunt cycle,
ready for action and carnage!
nickname: Vidmouse
email: [email protected]
name of line: Marvel Street Heroes
Daredevil is made from a TNA Chase Stevens figure. Hair was removed,
apoxie sculpt was added for roundness of head and horns. Aquarium
tubing and a rubber band were trimmed and glued in place to create DD’s
holster. A spare piece of wooden dowel became his billy club.
Daredevil’s DD symbol is decoupaged on. The red is Walmart-brand red
spray paint, using a small piece of foil to cover up the face. The
whole figure was then sealed with an acrylic clear coat.
Ghost Rider is made from a HML Cannonball figure. Head was removed and
Super Sculpey was used to create Ghost Rider’s skull from scratch.
Flames from a HML Human Torch were added to his skull, although he
kinda looks like the Heat Miser from the old Rankin Bass Christmas
movies (see photo). Cycle is from a Human Torch FF movie stunt cycle.
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