Vidmouse customs is pleased to present the first of two waves of Marvel Heroes: the Marvel Cosmic Heroes line! Included in this wave are Captain Universe, Captain Marvel, and Ms. Marvel (original costume)… the Marvels are also available as a two-pack with a figure stand. Have cosmic-level fun and awareness with these stellar heroes!
nickname: vidmouse
email: [email protected]
name of line: Marvel Cosmic Heroes
Captain Universe is made from a TNA Chase Stevens figure. Hair was removed, and slot filled with apoxie sculpt. White paint from Walmart was used over the whole body, then real-blue from Jo Ann fabrics was used for torso and arms. Jo Ann white was added using the paint-flick method for the starfield, and larger stars and connections were added afterwards.
Captain Marvell is made from a DCSH Superman. Cape was removed, and shoulder crevices and hair were made with apoxie sculpt. Armbands are also apoxie sculpt. Testors gloss yellow was used for hair and bands. Symbol is decoupaged on.
Ms. Marvel is made from a HML Emma Frost figure. Seams, cape, and other X-men related clothing were cut or sanded off. New hair was done using Super Sculpey. Chest symbol is decoupaged on, after some sculpey was added to fill in her cleavage. Scarf is a scrap piece of red cotton cloth, super glued in place. Stand is from a Spider-man figure, sticker painted black.
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