Vidmouse Customs is proud to present "Batmen Through the Ages," a look
at the different arts and styles that have inspired Batmaniacs over the
decades since he first appeared. Included in this line are: Batman:
Year One, Neal Adams’ Batman (also included in a two-pack with Tim
Drake Robin), Dark Batman, reflecting the current-day continuity, Alex
Ross’ Batman, Nightwing: Year One, and a special bonus for collectors:
order the entire set and get the Super Powers Batman free!
nickname: vidmouse
email: [email protected]
name of Line: Batmen Through the Ages
Alex Ross Batman was made almost entirely from a TNA Kurt Angle figure,
with bits of DCSH Superman cape added for ears and gauntlet spikes.
Cape is cotton cloth, made from scratch and super-glued to collar.
Belt is from DCSH series 3 Batman and can be removed. Bat-symbol was
hand-painted on. Some apoxie sculpt was added to close up Kurt Angle’s
mouth, and lips were added with a small amount of maroon paint.
Batman Year One is made from a DCSH series 3 Batman head (painted) and a Zipline Batman body.
Dark Batman is made from a Zipline Batman head, DCSH series 3 Batman
body, DCSH 1 Batman belt and cape. Blue areas on Batman were painted
to match late 90’s continuity look.
Neal Adams’ Batman is made from a DCSH 1 Batman head, yellow
rocket-sled Batman belt and right gauntlet, DCSH 3 Batman cape. Body
is DCSH 1 Batman. Blue areas were painted over. Symbol is decoupaged
on. Chest was weathered with black dry rub.
Robin is made from a Fantastic Four movie Johnny Storm. Belt is apoxie
sculpt (two coils plus a center disk) and symbol is decoupage. Cape is
made from two pieces of cotton cloth, glued together and glued to
figure. Boots and gloves are original figure color.
Nightwing Year One is made from a Marvel Legends Longshot figure. Hair
was removed and apoxie sculpt was added to make his new ‘do, as well as
the armbands and belt "V".
Super Powers Batman is made from a JLU Batman figure, painted some of
the black areas blue and trimmed the cape down. Added one hole in his
left heel to allow him to use custom stand.
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