{mosimage} We had some wires cross and both the questions and the answers were late. But, better late than never! Eh? Ehhh?
Every month Hasbro will be answering 5 questions pertaining to their Marvel product.
Here is the third round (it’s actually fourth, but Fwoosh being Fwoosh we missed the second round. doh!)….
1. We’ve heard that one of the folks on the Marvel team is a big Alpha Flight fan. Who is that, and how much of a hard time do you give him for that? (One of our staff members is an Alpha Flight fan and he takes a lot of flack from the rest of us.) How do your own team and character preferences influence the character choices you make for Marvel Legends and the other action figure lines?
Ok, here goes…it’s me! I’ve loved the Flight from day one and I don’t care who knows! It was indeed a sad day for all when Alpha Flight was decimated by the Collective in issue # 16 of the Avengers….but now Omega Flight is on the scene to re-establish the roots of this Canadian Super-Team! That makes me feel a little better. Having the opportunity to enter our faves into character debates is definitely part of the fun, but at the end of the day, it’s team consensus that drives the lineups. That said, who wouldn’t love a Puck Marvel Legend! Who’s with me?
2. Any chance of the Hasbrotoyshop shipping to Canada and other non-US residents in the future? It’s disheartening to see exclusive figures available only in America – what other options are available to non-USresidents?
Glad you asked. We’ve heard the collector ask for more international possibilities and the ToyShop Team is hard at work on providing shipping solutions for Canada right now. Additionally, Hasbrotoyshop.co.uk is already up and running and they are adding new items all the time. Help is on the way!
3. What will become of the seven characters that don’t win the Fan poll? What are the chances we will see them in future line-ups or will some of them miss their chance to become Marvel Legends?
We like every single one of these characters and over the long term there is always the possibility that you’ll see them show up. But for now, we only have plans for the winner!
4. A small issue with your Marvel Legends figures stems from the shade of plastic used for your skin tones. Would you consider using a darker shade for the skin, just to leave the figures looking a little less, well, plasticy? What other options exist for more realistic skin tones?
Yes, our Design Team always considers new ways to improve Legends with each and every wave. There is definitely some variation between character skin tones which is partially dependent upon what color plastic the figure was molded in (take a look at the difference between Yellow Jacket and Quicksilver in Wave 2). You should actually notice these flesh tones evolving as you see Wave 3 hit shelves. For example, Marvel Girl, Captain America & Cyclops all have darker skin tones than you’ve seen in previous waves.
5. Now that you’ve held the Marvel license for 3 quarters, what are the biggest lessons you’ll take with you into 2008?
Lots of learning in 2007. Over the past year, we’ve had a chance to talk with lots Marvel collectors and learn first hand what is most important to them. We’ve heard a lot of great comments on the discussion boards (and these Q&A sessions)…and we’ve taken note. We heard collectors when they asked for 6" Spider-Man movie figures. We were listening when they asked for more double elbows and double knees. We made a big dent in collector’s "Most Wanted" lists this year and we’re still chopping away. The bottomline? Communication is the key and we appreciate the passion that fans and collectors have shown for the Marvel Brands this year! Keep the comments and questions coming… and we pledge to continue getting better and better!
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