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Bonjour, mes fwoosher amis, et beinvenue to the inaugural issue (chapter?) of CTV Interviews Customizers!  Technically, it’s not the inaugural issue, since I interviewed the lovely and gracious RoboKillah for the sample CIC (check that out if you haven’t), but eh, semantics schebantics.  This week, I sit down with the guy whose fault it is, the dual-lettered AF! 

CTV: Welcome to CIC, AF!

AF: Thanks for having me.  

CTV: Of course.  Thank you for participating, it’s not every week you get to sit and chat with a brilliant customizer.  Well, I mean, you know, for me it is, but — Let’s get to the questions, shall we?

AF: Sure.

CTV: What’ve you been up to lately?  You’re recently returned from a fwooshly leave of absence.  Get any customs done in that span?

AF: Unfortunately, no.  I began working extra at work, and catching up on fatherhood.  Having a newborn can be hard sometimes.  

CTV: Awwwwww, a new baby?  What’s his/her name, if you don’t mind sharing?

AF:  Liam.  He’s named after me.  

CTV: How’d you get Liam from Will?  Oh wait, wilLIAM.  

AF: Exactly.  Liam is the Irish version of William.  

CTV: Clever.  Though, that’s no surprise.  

AF:  Thank you.

CTV: So what are you working on, currently?  Anything new?

AF: Actually, yes.  I just got done with a full torso resculpt for a Superman custom (from DC’s Armageddon 2001 arc); also working on a Mongul and a Spectre.

CTV:  Sounds great.  I know a lot of people are hungry for more stuff from you.  Any chance CIC could get a sneak peak of some new material?  

AF:  I’m glad you asked.  I’ve been wanting to show this off :).  

CTV: Wow, that’s great, as if there were any doubt.  Your customs are always top notch in regards to paint and sculpt, when did you get so good with a brush and dremel?

AF: Well, I never actually ‘learned’ to paint.  I just started looking at customs and got interested.  

CTV: Anyone’s in particular?

AF:  ActorJez, KraftyWerks, RoboKillah to name a few.  The sculpting came about from Kirk.  Seeing the definitions he puts into his work, he knows what he’s doing.

CTV:  He’s definitely a pro, everyone you mentioned is really great.  Are there any customs that have just been inspiring to you?  Ones that you’ve seen and just gone, "Wow, I need to step my game up?"

AF: Oh definitely.  Battlemonkey’s are up there.  Between his BattleMonkey, Apocalypse, and Bane, he is seriously gifted.  For me he sets the bar on that scale and one day I hope to reach it.

CTV: He’s definitely a pioneer.  His sculpting is phenomenal.

AF:  I agree 100%.

CTV:  Do you go through any set routines when you customize, or is it more of a "Let’s see where this takes me" type approach?

AF: I take the "Let’s see where this takes me" approach.  I usually don’t think about who I want to make ahead of time.  I look through my fodder, and if something comes to mind, I’ll see how far I can take it.  

CTV: Do you have any advice for customizers just starting out?

AF: Oh yeah.  Start with what you know.  Don’t try to take it too fast, or you’ll miss out on some good opportunities.  Lessons can be learned.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions.  

CTV:  Great advice.  Thanks a lot for the interview.

AF: No problem, thank you.

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