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Secret Identities – Hongkong Lad

i ask fwooshmember questions


They anwer them

Hongkong Lad

an interview with Edwin or:

what is it like for buying toys in your area?
in HK, ML and other American figure is quite rare and hard to collect them all ,so you have to buy them at once as they are launced, otherwise, you just can find them on auction . on the other hand , Japanese toy is more populuar and easy to buy ,you just have money, you can find and buy what you want .
and I think HK is a toy center , you can find many toys from different country, and There is many toys shop, you can spend on those place for a whole day.

Do you open the packages? or do you leave the toy inside the carton?
I will open all all the normal version, chase /variant i will keep unless i got extra.

Do you own alot of marvel legends? only buy marvel legends?
Yes I have a lots ML ,I collect them since ML1 until now, besides ML, I also collect DC , some Japanese cartoon figures , kurbirck and Medicom 12 figure.

Is there one ML that is your favorite or one that you want to get?
My Favorite is spidermen ( wall- climb ) can not remember which SMC series. this model had reprinted on the a boxset .

Are you always looking for toys? do you always carry a camera?
Yes I will look for figure if i know they are released ,my mobile has a camera so that I can capture some figure’s pic any time .

How much is a marvel legend? and what is that in american dollars?
the price of the ML, it depends,,,,,,,,average price should be around 7.8 USD in HK,
the variant prices will be more high if you can not find them on retail shop

Do you think you will continue buying the Hasbro marvel legends?
YES if I can find in HK.

How often to you go onto the fwoosh? only when you find
something at the store?
I visit them often sp that I can acquire news about ML and check any Private messagesh as well.

Do you think you are the first fwoosher to see the new toys
when they are launched?

I do not think so, i just sometime by lucky to find them first Smile and would like to share those new toys to toy collector. Smile

What would you like to see in Marvel legends in the future?
please let me pick up more than one ( i am greedy )
I would like to see
female figure : Star-fire ( since I love spiderman and friends TV show ) and Jubilee because she is Chinese
the male figure: scarlet spiderman ,( like his costume)

oh! I just went and read all your posts including your trades
and Ti_Dave was banned. he had said some things with disrespect
towards another fwoosher and now he is not allowed to come back.
he might try another route? sorry.

I SENT my figure to him, i am afarid that i can not get his figure back…………..

I think its still too soon …
he might still send them to you.
he was banned because he said
to another fwoosher something


its wierd because it was a comment that was
supposed to critisize the OP but it made
everyone else upset!

Thank you for your pointing out that
yes he is impolite for that………….
.no point to hurt someone on fwooshnet
sorry to know that
anyway I have to thnnk you again to find out this for me

what was the figure Ti_Dave was supposed to send to you?
toxin and FFC invisible women ( clear version)

I can get those for you. i have an extra IW
and Toxin is still on store shelves. I will send
them if you want them. (if i can find them)

Did you know that
when they say huevos rancheros
(mexican eggs for morning breakfast) .

that means you are banned at the fwoosh.

i read it and it just ends with deadpool
kicking saying "huevos rancheros!"

and i was wonder if you got that?

hey are you mexican ??

I like mexican ,they are very friendly and warm heart person
since i have a great friend he is mexican as well

No but your english is better than mine!

no my english is not very great just try my best
are you a asian ????

I’ll ask the questions. thank you