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Announcing the Action and Funny Photo Albums

As some of you had guessed when the Fwoosher Photos section of the sidebar appeared (below the Sponsor boxes), we are closing up the longstanding "Official" Action and Funny Photo Threads that have popped up throughout the forums. 

But don’t fret – we will be providing you photo-loving Fwooshers with public photo albums that will give you everything that those threads had, and more!

  • The pictures and albums will be easier to access.  In fact, you’ll be able to see and get to the pictures from more places than before.  The latest pictures from each album, plus links to the rest of the pictures will always be displayed in the Fwoosh sidebar.  You’ll also be able to see the latest pictures in the E-Zine Funny Pages here:
    Fwoosher Action Photos
    Fwoosher Funny Photos
  • Pictures will be easy to upload.  In each place you can see the pictures, you’ll also see links to Upload a Picture.  These albums are free to use for any registered member of the Fwoosh.  You won’t have to deal with any photohosting sites and clumsy links to pictures hosted elsewhere.
  • You will be able to rate and make comment on pictures.  One of the things I really liked about the photo threads were the comments people made.  With the albums, you’ll be able to leave comments and also rate each picture – from zero to five stars.  What’s better, the comments will appear with each picture, so you won’t have to figure out which picture people are talking about.
  • Best of all, pictures won’t ever disappear!  Since we’ll be hosting them on the Fwoosh, we’ll have a running archive that won’t feature red X’s.

Here are some tips for using the albums:

  • When you Upload a Picture, you’ll have two options: File Uploads are for pictures that are on your computer.  Click the Browse button to locate the file on your computer.  URI/URL Uploads are for pictures already hosted on the internet.  Cut and paste the URL of the picture from your browser window.  Be sure to take advantage of multiple uploads at a time.
  • After you upload your picture(s), you will be asked where to put them.  The pulldown menu should have entries for Action Photos and Funny Photos.
  • If you are uploading a series of pictures, upload them in reverse order (start with the last picture in the series).  The albums show the newest pictures first, so this will keep them in the proper order. 
  • To see all the comments, rating, and information about a picture, click on the information button () in the title bar for the picture.  The information appears below the picture, so you may have to scroll down.


Fwoosh Action Photo Album:
Fwoosh Funny Photo Album:
Upload a picture: