_*New Civil War Trailer With Preview of Civil War #2*_
The second issue of Civil War is almost upon us, but before the next
chapter of the biggest event in Marvel history hits the shelves,
Marvel.com is releasing a trailer recapping the events of the
blockbuster first issue and featuring a preview of*/ Civil War #2/*.
If the release of*/ Civil War #2/* is anything like the first one,
you’re going to want to get to your local comic shop early and avoid the
long lines. But before that, whet your appetite for Marvel Universe
destruction with the latest trailer from Marvel.com, which can be found
here: _http://www.marvel.com/news/-1.464_
The trailer features a complete recap of the first month of Civil War
including the events from*/ Civil War #1, Amazing Spider-Man #532,
She-Hulk #8/*, and*/ Wolverine #42/*. See the events that led to the
first shots being fired and what it has meant for many of Marvel’s heroes.
Do not miss*/ Civil War #2/* as it marks a major turning point for
several superheroes including the Young Avengers, Iron Man, Spider-Man,
and Captain America. And from the look of the trailer, it looks like bad
news for some of your favorite heroes.
*CIVIL WAR #2 (of 7) (APR062017)*
Written by Mark Millar
Pencils & Wraparound Cover by Steve McNiven
48 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
On Sale – 6/14/2006
*CIVIL WAR: FRONT LINE #2 (OF 10) (APR062020)*
Written by Paul Jenkins
Penciled by Ramon Bachs, Steve Lieber, and Leo Fernandez
Cover by John Watson
32 PGS. NO ADS! /Rated T+ …$2.99
FOC – 6/8/2006, On Sale – 6/28/2006
Art by Michael Turner and Aspen Studios
On Sale Now
Art by Steve McNiven
On Sale Now
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Marvel Comics is a division of Marvel Enterprises, Inc., a leading
global character-based entertainment company that has developed and owns
a library of more than 5,000 characters, which have entertained
generations around the world for over 60 years. Marvel’s operations are
focused in entertainment and consumer product licensing and comic book
publishing. Marvel Studios supports the development of feature films,
DVD/video products and TV series. Marvel’s creative team also supports
the development of video games and toy lines based on its characters as
well as for a broad and growing range of consumer products and services
including apparel, collectibles, foods and promotions. Marvel’s comic
book division is a leading publisher in the global marketplace while
also serving as an invaluable source of intellectual property. Marvel’s
Toy Biz division is a recognized creative force and leader in toy
design, sales and marketing, developing and overseeing both licensee and
in-house toy lines. For additional information visit_
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