Because no one demanded it, here it is… the results of the Superhero Showdown Top Five Vote! Now, due to the leaked ToyBiz 2006 product list, we’re going to do this one a bit differently. Instead of just showing you the top five picks, we’re going to show the top fourteen, since the vast majority of your 336 votes appear on the aforementioned leaked product listing. So without further ado, here are your picks!
You want him to round out the big three Avengers – well, it looks like the crew at Toybiz has read your minds or maybe he was just an obvious choice. Either way we all win when we get our very own 4" Asgardian!
(Editor’s note: Asgardian? Please, no Young Avengers cracks here. Cracks? Damn, we’re good.)
SHS Thing and Hulk both rock our socks off, so we wanted a big baddie to duke it out with our other 4" figures. Luckily, it looks like Juggy is gonna be in our hot little hands next year. We can only hope he comes with a cool little removeable helmet.
Deadpool is the first one on our vote that DOES NOT appear anywhere on the leaked product list. The Merc with a Mouth is quite popular and we all want him so we can finally have him kick both Snake Eye’s and Storm Shadow’s rear ends. Hear our cries, oh almighty Toy Biz, and give us our favorite wisecracking cancer victim!
Woohoo, another one that has not appeared on the leaked list. We demand the fuzzy blue elf, cuz a battle with a Sentinel just isn’t the same without him!
#5 Colossus & Magneto [TIE] – BOTH LEAKED
Toy Biz seemed to once again answer our prayers before we even finished brushing our teeth. Methinks they just wanna be able to reenact the fastball special against the X-Men’s arch-foe over at the Marvel offices, and who can blame ’em? And the fact that not only did the Master of Magnetism pull in the same amount of votes as Piotr, but they’re also rumored to come to us as a 2 pack is just eerie…
The question is now whether we’ll get classic or Jim Lee Cyke.
#8 Daredevil & Mr. Fantastic [TIE] – BOTH LEAKED
Hopefully ole Hornhead & Stretcho here continues the SHS tradition of being better than their ML counterparts ( ala Thing, Dr. Doom, and Iron Man ).
#10 Invisible Woman & Silver Surfer [TIE] – BOTH LEAKED
Not only is Toybiz seemingly doing us the favor of completing the Fantastic Four but they are giving us the one true herald of our BAF devourer of worlds. Woo-frikkin-hoo!
Whew, finally we get to another character that hasn’t shown up on that infernal product list. It looks like our Avengers trio just doesn’t cut the mustard, we want our undead archer, too. Here’s hoping for 2007!
We had a bunch of different entries for the same character here, due to her different costumes. I think I speak for more than myself here when I just ask for some consistency in the costumes. If Cyclops is in his classic duds, then Phoenix is the way to go. But if he’s in his Jim Lee hair-blowing-in-the-wind, pouch spectacular, then we need her in her yellow and blue getup.
Looks like we want some more chicks. The first 2 waves of SHS were vaginally challenged, so give us the southern belle with a skunk stripe just make sure it’s prettier than the ML version (hopefully that could go without saying, but I figured I’d drop it in there just in case).
So, that’s it for your first edition of the SHS Top Five! Now onto the data:
This Top Five | Character | Votes |
1 | Thor | 23 |
2 | Juggernaut | 20 |
3 | Deadpool | 16 |
4 | Nightcrawler | 15 |
5 | Colossus | 14 |
5 | Magneto | 14 |
7 | Cyclops | 13 |
8 | Daredevil | 12 |
8 | Mr. Fantastic | 12 |
10 | Invisible Girl, Invisible Woman | 11 |
10 | Silver Surfer | 11 |
12 | Hawkeye | 10 |
13 | Jean Grey, Marvel Girl, Phoenix | 9 |
14 | Rogue | 8 |
14 | Storm | 8 |
16 | Black Panther | 7 |
17 | Red Skull | 6 |
17 | Rhino | 6 |
17 | Thanos | 6 |
17 | Venom | 6 |
21 | Gambit | 5 |
21 | Namor | 5 |
21 | Psylocke | 5 |
24 | Abomination | 4 |
24 | Captain Britain | 4 |
24 | Vision | 4 |
27 | Angel | 3 |
27 | Apocalypse | 3 |
27 | Cable | 3 |
27 | Iceman | 3 |
31 | Black Widow | 2 |
31 | Bucky | 2 |
31 | Bullseye | 2 |
31 | Dr. Strange | 2 |
31 | Elektra | 2 |
31 | Green Goblin | 2 |
31 | Havok | 2 |
31 | Lizard | 2 |
31 | Moon Knight | 2 |
31 | Mr. Sinister | 2 |
31 | Mystique | 2 |
31 | Northstar | 2 |
31 | Nova | 2 |
31 | Sabretooth | 2 |
31 | She-Hulk | 2 |
31 | Taskmaster | 2 |
31 | Ultron | 2 |
48 | Ant Man | 1 |
48 | Banshee | 1 |
48 | Baron Zemo | 1 |
48 | Beta Ray Bill | 1 |
48 | Boom Boom | 1 |
48 | Cannonball | 1 |
48 | Captain Marvel | 1 |
48 | Carnage | 1 |
48 | Crystal | 1 |
48 | Doppelganger | 1 |
48 | Electro | 1 |
48 | Falcon | 1 |
48 | Firestar | 1 |
48 | Ghost Rider 2099 | 1 |
48 | Giant-Man | 1 |
48 | Hulk | 1 |
48 | Iron Fist | 1 |
48 | Iron Man | 1 |
48 | Kang | 1 |
48 | Kingpin | 1 |
48 | Loki | 1 |
48 | Luke Cage, Power Man | 1 |
48 | Mandarin | 1 |
48 | Meggan | 1 |
48 | Mr. Fantastic | 1 |
48 | Nick Fury | 1 |
48 | Professor X | 1 |
48 | Sandman | 1 |
48 | Scarlet Witch | 1 |
48 | Spider-Woman | 1 |
48 | Spiral | 1 |
48 | Stryfe | 1 |
48 | War Machine | 1 |
48 | Wasp | 1 |
48 | Wendigo | 1 |
48 | Wolverine | 1 |
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