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Are YOU a Sculptor?

Are you a Sculptor?

What a question. It’s my second day at SDCC and I am at the Diamond Party. I walk over to say hello to the Plan-B fellas. They are deeply immersed in a conversation with another fellow that introduces himself as Clay Moore! Clay Moore, the master of the female comic statues! Wow!

I introduce myself and chitchat a bit with Clay; turns out he grew up in San Antonio Texas as well, so a bit of reminiscing occurred. It was during this exchange that I was asked for the first time "Are you a sculptor?" And I must admit my response was less than elegant, something to the extent of "I’m trying to be". And then some sitting on the fence mumbo-jumbo which killed the talk.

Over the next couple of days, I was asked this question again and always answered the same way.

SDCC is big: physically, mentally, and emotionally; and for a guy like me, I have to go to these events and fall flat on my face so that I can do better the next time. That tends to be my operating style in life. For example, here I’ve traveled half way around the world to introduce myself to Product Managers and other Sculptors, show them a sculpt sitting in my backpack; and for 4 days, what happens?

I chicken out. Clay Moore, one of the best sculptors in the toy and statue industry just asked me if I was a sculptor and I give him mouth garbage. DUDE! This is the time to say YES! Yes I am; take a look at this sculpt I have on me.

But I did not. I didn’t even bring a portfolio.

I spoke with Jim Fletcher and Tim Bruckner and Paul Sciacca and Jesse Falcon and Damon Nee over the weekend and guess what? I never mentioned that I was a sculptor or had a figure that I was working on in my backpack.

On the final day I got the balls up to show Will and Kat from SOTA the figure, and the silliest part of that is that I’ve shared pictures of the project with Will and Kat since I started it. Why was I hesitant around them for 4 days?

Fear. I don’t know about a lot of people, but I hate rejection and criticism, which is amazing because I thrive off the feeling that it gives me. It takes me a day to get over it but I just get back on the saddle and try harder. Hell, the figure I kept not showing was sculpted off of one of these experiences.

What is the lesson? Why should any aspiring sculptor out there read this or care about this? Simple; if you want in the industry then you have to be confident and brave. You’ve gotta let people know who you are, what you want. You’ve gotta show them your stuff. Walk around with your portfolios, be ready to hand them out. Be ready to be shat on and praised in the same day.

If you decide to travel half way around the world, country, or even county in the hopes of getting your foot in the door, don’t, DON’T chicken out. The next time someone asks you, "Are you a sculptor (painter, designer, etc)?" stick your hand out and say “yes, yes I am.”

pabs (yeah, yeah, Indy; I know)