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Toy Biz: Marvel Legends Series 4 Gambit

Toy Biz Marvel Legends Series 4 Gambit featured

Series 4 of Marvel Legends was an ok Series, it was somewhat of an in between series, between the great 3 waves that preceeded it and the fantastic series 5 that came after it!

Beast, Elektra, Gambit and Punisher were the stars of Series 4, we got an extra with a repaint Goliath chase, hard to find, make collectors mad figure. Gambit was a pretty decent figure for the series, but like Beast and Elektra had problems.

Gambit is a very popular character with collectors that grew up in the ’90s, he played a huge role in the X-Men cartoon and the comics. The on again off again relationship with Rogue was a huge draw for many fans and it was only a matter of time before he made it into the Series. His first comic’s appearance came in 1990 and he is credited as being created by Chris Claremont and Jim Lee. While he is hugely popular, he’s one of those characters that never seemed to be able to hold his own solo book down. He’s an ensemble character. Currently he is the lead in the X-Factor ongoing.

His sculpt was spot on, even the Phil Ramirez smirked face was pretty spot on for Gambit. It was a great sculpt the captured the details of Gambit perfectly. Some argued that the sculpt was a bit small and needed to be closer to Captain America as he seemed to appear in the comics. Whatever your choice of scale was, the sculpt of Gambit was not to be argued! If I were to ask for an update to a figure it would be Gambit, while all the articulation is there I’d love to see him on a the current Bucky Captain America base figure.

The articulation on Gambit was fitting for this member and sometimes leader of the Thieves Guild. He’s a thief, sometimes assassin and needs to be nimble like a ninja. Gambit features the now famous ab crunch, a hinged jointed abdomen, instead of the ball jointed ab of Captain America and Iron Man. This figure could pose like a madman! Here is the breakdown:

Rocker ankles
Hinged ankles
Swivel calves
Double hinged knees
Thigh swivels
Swivel waist
Hinged Abs
Rocker shoulders
Ball shoulders
Swivel biceps
Double hinged elbows
Swivel forearms
Hinged wrists
Hinged fingers
Ball neck
Ball head

Toy Biz Marvel Legends Series 4 Gambit 7

Toy Biz was pretty good with accessories, Gambit came with a Sentinel hand, his staff, some energized playing cards and a removable coat. After all these years I still like the coat the best. Dunno what it is about this jacket but it stands out for me. My memory falters but I think there was once a discussion amongst collectors if the jacket should be pleather or cloth, the figure came out as cloth and looks great for it.

Toy Biz Marvel Legends Series 4 Gambit 6

The Sentinel hand base was a thing of beauty, it is probably one of my favorite bases today. It looks great lying on the ground and for those of you that like your bases wall mounts this was a great looking piece for your wall.

For those of you wanting to complete your ’90s X-Men Legends then you will need to pick up Gambit today! He is available at:

Toy Biz Marvel Legends Series 4 Gambit 8

6 thoughts on “Toy Biz: Marvel Legends Series 4 Gambit

  1. I do like this figure, but never really cared for the softgoods coat or the head sculpt, do i did a pop n swap with the X-men Classics Gambit:

  2. I like Gambit. Not sure of this figure. I would take an update on the BC/BP/AA/BZ/DD/MM… buck though.
    Then Hasbro needs to produce an updated Rogue figure.(won’t hold my breath) Not sure what is going on with Marvel Legends X-Men these days! With the last Rogue being cancelled, and consecutive retailer exclusive waves of X-Men legends(of which I never got Storm, Magneto, and Jubilee) the indefinite comic death of Logan and no other new six inch X-Man toys in sight looks like I will have to stick to my much beloved 3.75″ MU series for X-MEN.

  3. I like the jacket but not for this figure. I actually repurposed it for the punisher figure and it works way better. That staff though was a rubbery piece of plastic that could take on any shape you wanted except for straight.

  4. What does this figure go for new in box now a days? I’ve been recently going back and picking up the old Toy Biz legends. Love these figures!

  5. this figure was not bad including the box set version which also came with some glowing playing cards for him to show his powers.not to mention gambit some times will work with the x-men greatest foe mr sinister .

  6. This figure was also released in a box set (the one with Rogue, Beast, Magneto, and Wolverine), but with a pleather coat. So they did do both versions 🙂

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