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The Hasbro San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Pre-Show Giveaway – Day 2

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March 17, 2025

Your Home for Toy News and Action Figure Discussion!

The Hasbro San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Pre-Show Giveaway – Day 2

Thanks to our friends in the Marvel, G.I. Joe, and Star Wars brand teams at Marvel and the good folks at Hunter PR, ActionFigurePics.com and TheFwoosh.com are pleased to be give our readers a chance to win one of the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con exclusives or other prizes. Through Tuesday next week, we’ll feature one or more prizes each day. Read on for instructions on how to enter to win.

For Day 2, we’ve got two Star Wars exclusives, one from Comic-Con and another from the upcoming Star Wars Celebration V in Orlando.

Star Wars Darth Maul & Owen Lars Comic 2-Pack Special Edition

Hasbro SDCC 2010 Exclusive - Star Wars Darth Maul Owen Lars Comic 2-Pack 1 (900x1200).jpgHasbro SDCC 2010 Exclusive - Star Wars Darth Maul Owen Lars Comic 2-Pack 2 (899x1200).jpgHasbro SDCC 2010 Exclusive - Star Wars Darth Maul Owen Lars Comic 2-Pack 3 (900x1200).jpgHasbro SDCC 2010 Exclusive - Star Wars Darth Maul Owen Lars Comic 2-Pack 4 (902x1200).jpg

(Ages 4 and up; Approximate Retail Price $14.99; Available through HasbroToyShop.com, Booth #3329 at San Diego Comic-Con)

Hasbro is offering STAR WARS fans the STAR WARS DARTH MAUL & OWEN LARS COMIC 2-PACK at this year’s convention. The item includes a reprint of the “STAR WARS: Visionaries” comic book and two 3.75” figures – DARTH MAUL and OWEN LARS – and will feature a special, limited edition outer package.

Star Wars Cammie & Fixer Comic 2-Pack Special Edition

Star Wars Celebration V Exclusive - Star Wars Cammie Fixer Comic 2-Pack 1 (897x1200).jpgStar Wars Celebration V Exclusive - Star Wars Cammie Fixer Comic 2-Pack 2 (889x1200).jpgStar Wars Celebration V Exclusive - Star Wars Cammie Fixer Comic 2-Pack 3 (900x1200).jpgStar Wars Celebration V Exclusive - Star Wars Cammie Fixer Comic 2-Pack 4 (903x1200).jpg

(Ages 4 and up; Approximate Retail Price $14.99)

For Celebration V in August, a second comic 2-pack including Camie and Fixer from the Star Wars: Empire comic (and the cut Tatooine scenes from A New Hope) will be available, also through Hasbro and StarWarsShop. (Description courtesy of the Official Star Wars Blog.)

Check back tomorrow for Day 3 at ActionFigurePics.com for some G.I. Joe exclusive giveaways!

How to Enter

  1. Take our quick demographic survey. It takes around 2 minutes, and will help us learn more about our readers. No personally identifiable information will be requested, stored, or sold.
  2. Leave a comment on this page below – winner(s) will be selected at random from folks who leave comments. Please note – comments are moderated and may not appear instantly.

That’s it!

The Fine Print

  • You must be over 18 to enter.
  • Prizes will be shipped to winners directly from ActionFigurePics.com. Winners who want their prize shipped outside of the United States will be responsible to pay for all shipping costs, including but not limited to shipping, taxes, and tariffs. In the event that a winner does not elect to pay these costs, an alternate winner will be selected.
  • Staff members at ActionFigurePics.com and TheFwoosh.com, and employees of Hasbro are not eligible for this contest (sorry guys!)
  • By accepting the prize, the winner agrees to hold ActionFigurePics.com, TheFwoosh.com, and Hasbro, Inc. and their respective directors, officers, employees and assigns harmless against any and all claims and liability arising out of the use or redemption of the prizes.
  • Due to time constraints, we’ll conduct the drawings and ship out prizes after San Diego Comic-Con is over.

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68 thoughts on “The Hasbro San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Pre-Show Giveaway – Day 2

  1. “Cam” you please “Fix” me up a healthy portion of Camie and Fixer! Now THESE are finally some worthy figures for the REAL Star Wars movie geeks!

  2. Darth Maul was much cooler without the robo legs, but what SW fan doesn’t want an awesome Owen Lars?

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