Did the Hasbro Marvel Legends Fan First Thursday panel leave you wanting even more, more, more reveals? Well, how about a Morlock? That’s right – debuting right here at the Fwoosh is the upcoming Marvel Legends CALLISTO figure!
Has your Calliban been getting lonely on the shelf all by himself? Not to worry, help is on the way and the leader of the Morlocks, CALLISTO, will be arriving soon!
Making her debut in the Marvel Legends line, Callisto is sure to give Storm and the rest of the X-Men trouble the moment she arrives on your shelf. Just how and when she will be released is yet to be revealed, but today you get to see the figure in all of its sewer dwelling glory!
Check out these official PR pics from Hasbro:
Additionally, we were provided with a PRE-PRODUCTION SAMPLE (not final) for additional pictures and insight, so you can check those out below.
Finally, Robo and I will be doing an exclusive “Morlock Monday” live stream edition of the FwooshCast this Monday, May 31st at 1pm EDT. We will have this sample in-hand and will be talking about it live, so be sure to join in on the conversation here:
NOTE: The Callisto figure used for the below photos is a PRE-PRODUCTION SAMPLE and is NOT final. Final deco is still forthcoming and is subject to change. Additionally, as a pre-production sample, this figure has a forehead number marking, which has been obscured for these photos. So, if you notice some dark lines/markings on the forehead, that is what those are and the final figure will not have these markings. For an accurate view of what the final figure will look like, please see the official PR images above.
The below pictures are NOT official in ANY way.
*We want to extend many thanks to Ryan, Dan, and Dwight from Hasbro, as well as the team from Litzky PR for making this Fwoosh First Look possible!