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Hasbro: Marvel Legends Kingpin Series Kingpin and Six Arm Spider-Man

You know, I just got done talking about my “Best of 2018” action figure, and even though we are just seven days into the new year, this big boi Wilson Fisk is already the frontrunner for 2019.

So hey, do you remember those few weeks at the end of last year when it wasn’t raining new Marvel Legends series? Well that time has come to a screeching halt, and this new Spider-Man series that just shipped to me last week is already in rearview as new Captain Marvel and Black Panther sets are hitting now. But, I am going to try to get to it all, even though it is a lot of work, because man, it feels great to get that ML glut again. My wallet and accountant are not happy with the way 2019 is bring brought in, but, NEW TOYS, YOU GUYS!

I have been looking forward to this new series for a long, and Kingpin is the [main] reason why. Sure, there are some cool standard figures featured here that I will be getting to later this week, but for me, the sum is greater than the parts, and that is why I wanted to start a little backwards and look at Fisk first. I almost can’t believe that the ML Kingpin on my shelf up until now is the same one I drove HOURS to get when that Wal-Mart in the middle of nowhere got those early samples of the first Face Off sets and the Giant Man wave, but here we are. The good news is that this figure is a drastic improvement in every way over the original, so good things come to those who wait. 

Oh, and since I am pairing this series up two by two, I will also be taking a look at the one figure in the assortment not needed to build Kingpin – Six-Arm Spider-Man.


I know I said this figure is a holistic improvement over the previous offering, and that is saying something because I consider the original ML Kingpin to be one of the older figures that still stood well with the modern line. However, the build and likeness of this figure is pretty much exactly what I picture in my mind’s eye when I think of Wilson Fisk. I mean, maroon/purple pants and a yellow vest to go with that white jacket is what I always consider to be “classic” but Kingpin is looking dapper in this release and he cuts the silhouette that he should. This figure stands two to three times as wide compared to most ML figures, but it is not overblown so his proportions still stack up while not being too tall. Honestly, after the likeness, this was the most important part of the figure for me, so this one is successful.

I think one of the first things we jump to when considering an oversized ML figure with, um, generous (?), proportions is the amount and functionality of the provided articulation. I mean, at first glance, I knew that I was going to be happy with the way this figure looked (and it might sound funny to say, but they nailed the proportion of the legs), but how would those articulation cuts hold up under such a mighty carriage? Well, pretty damned well, actually. Yes, there is some range of movement limitation in the elbows (they get to about 90 degrees) and more so in the knees, but for being a solid block of muscle, Kingpin moves about well. I mean, Fisk is the antithesis of EVERYTHING Spider-Man and Daredevil are, right? So he is not an acrobat, but a tank fighter when he has to be, so I don’t need him to take on the impossible poses. Sure, any figure could move better, there is always room for improvement, but this figure does what I need a Kingpin figure to do.

The outfit choice is something that is open to debate because it is really the most subjective thing going on here. I think it turned out well, and like I said, Fisk looks quite dapper. I would have probably gone for a bit more color variance with something past white for the pants and vest, but that does not mean the white, purple, and black don’t look great, because they do. Kingpin has, for the most part, kept to a pretty consistent costume over the years with things like ties making way for ascots, and pocket squares changing out for carnations being the biggest changes past color swaps. I AM glad that his pinky ring is accounted for, as is his diamond-topper pimp cane. There is some great sculpting going on with the right hand in that it can hold the cane or just be positioned on top of the diamond piece to balance it for its actual use, which is cool.

I don’t have much to comment on in terms of the likeness because both heads are awesome. I am actually surprised because, while I still intend to display the more neutral expression, I like the screaming head a lot more than I thought I would, so both options are definitely strong. I am having fun posing him for sure, and I am afraid because I can see talking myself into building a SECOND Kingpin figure to accommodate the Shadow King head that is included with the upcoming Professor X release. FML, I already buy so many Legends, and they are going to get me to buy a repeat build-a-figure? Thanks a lot, guys! I love it, but my wallet does not.

So yeah, color swaps aside, I would say this is the definitive Marvel Legends Kingpin figure, and I cannot think of anything with this figure that would justify and all new pass just for the sake of doing so. This figure rules, and I he is going to beat the $%!# outta Daredevil and Spider-Man.

Speaking of…


You know how when a new Marvel Legends series is announced and you already have it in your head which figure will likely be your favorite and least favorite? We all do it, so don’t try to deny it. For me, and what imagine is a lot of people, Six Arm Spider-Man was circling last place in this assortment, even before it arrived. While this is still probably my least favorite figure of the wave, I am actually liking it better than I had anticipated. Yep, this is a perfectly viable Spider-Man variant to include in a Legends series that bears his name, and yep, it is mostly serviceable. However, more than any other figure in the wave, this one probably could have been better.

To start though, I love the colors and the concept of this figure in ML. The red and blue used here are the closest thing (I think) we have gotten to bright comic panel colors for Spider-Man’s blue and red costume. I love the way both colors pop, and their contrast against each other only makes them my dynamic, so that great. I have two standing nitpicks, be they minor, with ML and that is the often muted/drab color palette and soft knee joints. The coloring on this figure goes miles to even the color issue out, and I would love to see a standing classic Spider-Man using these exact tones.

I also actually really like the four new arms that are added to this figure. I know they are a bit plain, but it is crazy how they put a more  human spin on the figure that is otherwise covered in spandex.  Let’s face it, this concept is pretty insane, and should hopefully teach Pete not to whip up his own cure for his spider powers, so visually, this figure is going to stand out, even amongst the infinite number of Spider-Mans you already own. Of course, these arms come with a trade-off in the form of the loss of any/all torso articulation, so be prepared for that. If you are familiar with the internet at all, I am positive you have read countless takes on this fact, but here I am pointing it out again for the sake of posterity. 

Finally, other than the loss of articulation, I rather like the pieces used for this figure as the textured costume adds, if nothing else, some variety. Most Spidey costumes in recent ML releases have had painted-on details, so I am actually glad to have some variance here. You know, besides the four extra arms? Yeah. In any case, I *think* several of the parts are carried over from the old Superior Spider-Man figure, but I am not completely sure on that. Either way, this will likely remain the most looked-over figure of the assortment, and I wonder about the fact that it does NOT contain a BAF piece and is packed two to a case how it will move off the shelves. Sure, it is Spider-Man, but, it will likely be considered the weakest figure of the series by collectors, if it has not  been named as such already.

Ah, 2019 is here, and that means another year of pure Marvel Legends INSANITY. I am so ready for it, dudes. The year is off to a great start with the Kingpin Build-a-Figure, and I think this wave is going to surprise some people who might have been previously ambivalent to the character selection. But more on that later this week. In the meantime, get on over to Dorkside Toys, you can lock in your Kingpin set now.