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McFarlane Toys: Call of Duty Lt Simon Riley “Ghost” GameStop Exclusive Video and Quick Pics

I was wandering an out-of-town GameStop, looking for random Star Wars Black Series or Marvel Legends, when I ran across the exclusive McFarlane Toys Call of Duty Ghost. I’ll admit, I don’t know CoD. I haven’t actually opened a McFarlane toy in quite some time. But curiosity got the best of me and I had to give it a shot.


Anyway, what drew me in was the sculpt and paint, and the fact that it looked firmly planted in the 6-inch scale range. And it is, which is cool. It’s a beautiful figure. I wasn’t too aware of the rest of the line but I’m happy I ran across the white/gray version first as it stands out against most of my other figures. It feels unique. And for someone like me this can be a generic grunt or soldier or merc. Win-win-win.

I was also intrigued with what appeared to be added articulation. Yeah, on a McFarlane figure. And while it has the right basic foundation in place, it kind of falls apart when you actually try to implement it. Most of the joints are hindered. Limited range, awkward positioning. The figure CAN hold the rifle in close to a natural pose but it feels forced. If all the articulation had been like the neck, which gets a great range of movement (TILT FOR DAYS, MFERS!) I would be way happier. As is, you can strike a few poses that are kind of all in the same basic stance family. Some could be fixed with a softer material, like the vest blocking the torso ball, or actually implementing modern articulation. A ball with a small socket in the foot kills a lot of the leg positioning.

That’s all disappointing, but really, not surprising for a Toddy Mac figure. I think what annoys me more is the missed tampo on the skull mask graphic. I wish it looked more like this…

…but it’s painted on too low and a bit plain. Granted, it’s painted on a beautifully sculpted mask that if you didn’t know it was plastic you’d be going “Cloth on a McFarlane Toy? Whhhaaaa?” So it’s still pretty awesome, but makes it a little more painful to see.

Basically, a beautiful figure that looks great on the shelf, but a sub-par ACTION figure. It didn’t break on me though. The last two Walking Dead figures I opened both lost limbs out of the package (and not in a good, zombie based TV show/comic book way, I’m talking pegs shearing or snapping) so I consider that a win.

You can get yours on the GameStop site for cheaper than retail already, for whatever reason. It’s actually dropped another dollar since I shot the video for this.







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