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Four Horsemen Studios: Mythic Legions Weapons Packs

The roaring success and inspired new figures of Four Horsemen Studios’ Mythic Legions 2 Kickstarter Campaign has reinvigorated my Mythic Legions love and has inspired me to take a look back at items from the first Mythic Legions campaign. Let’s take a look at the Mythic Legions weapons packs!

One of my few criticisms of the Mythic Legions line as a whole was the frequency of the weapons reuse. Each figure came with a nice amount of accessories, but they were reused across the line as a cost-saving measure. I appreciate and understand that idea, but I am glad they added some more unique items via the weapons pack for variety.

Weapons Pack 1

This pack has a wooden shield,  a warhammer, and a staff. The hammer has a swappable piece to achieve a different look. The staff has two different heads that convey a couple types of wizard.

I really like the classic look of the wooden shield and gave it to one of my dwarves. I could see the hammer and the shield working with a barbarian-style figure as well.

Weapons pack two has an Orc sword and battle axe, a halberd, and a mace with a couple of different heads. The halberd would be great for a silver knight legion builder, but since I don’t have one, I gave it to one of my skeleton legion.

I love the way that the dwarves look with both of the mace heads.

The third weapon pack is my favorite as it contains two special swords for the main villain Gorgo Aetherblade and one of the main heroes, Sir Gideon Heavensbrand. I do like how close the final weapons all came out compared to the concept art.

These two swords add a lot of personality to a couple of great figures.

I feel like these packs add a lot of fun and variety to my legions and I’m glad I picked them up. They are only available on eBay now in this form, though I’m glad to see that the Four Horsemen have been dropping some of these accessories in with new Mythic Legions figures and adding expanded weapons packs in their Mythic Legions 2 Kickstarter campaign. Go check out the new campaign and get in early on these new figures!