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Bandai: Star Wars Boba Fett 1:12 Scale Model Kit Review

Bandai Star Wars 6 Inch Plastic Model Kit Boba Fett Featured

The Bandai model kit Boba Fett yet again mixes the best of two worlds: Models and toys. Good sculpt, excellent articulation, and being a model, a fun build. But some may not like having to paint to get a nice final look.

Yes, I’m biased. I absolutely love these kits. It’s Star Wars and building an awesome action figure. The Sandtrooper may have lulled my enthusiasm a bit, but Boba Fett has brought it back in spades. He brings back memories of the Stormtrooper (who I realize is essentially the same figure as the Sandtrooper, but just go with it) and Darth Vader. the new unique sculpt and build. Just pure fun with a big pay-off.

The kit comes in the now familiar black box. No wrap, no seal, no tape. Just a box with a pretty picture of the character on the front and images of the figure around the side. The bottom is just straight gloss black. Classy.

Opening the box you’re met with sprues of individual parts. I miss the time where I looked at these and thought “What did I get myself into?” That excitement mixed with fear. Now I look at them and try to find parts and start building in my head before looking at the instructions. Then tear them open and go at it.

Because it’s worth it. The final figure is fantastic.

I’ve done my usual video review of the model kits, where I go through high points and snags during the build, and then go through things like articulation.

Initial thoughts are two-fold.

One, the figure cuts and excellent silhouette. The stance just screams dude in a Boba Fett suit. I especially like how the shoulder pads hide the shoulder joint when in a neutral position. The transition from torso to arm is nearly seamless. But it’s hinged and the shoulder is on a butterfly joint to allow full range of movement.

Two, more than any of the other Star Wars model kits, this one needs paint. Even if it’s some silver scuffs and scratches, it just needs something more. The grays of jumpsuit need to be dulled down. And little things like the wrist rocket needs a bit of color to make it punchier. Without paint it just looks like a nice, new, clean Fett costume. It needs that little extra spiff to make him more like the movie look. But it’s a model kit. The more they veer into non-armored character territory, the more paint is going to be needed.

Bandai Star Wars 6 Inch Plastic Model Kit Boba Fett

The articulation is excellent. Watch the video to get an idea of the full range, but here’s some thoughts.

The back of the doubles knees aren’t cut as deep so they don’t go back as far as they could.

The front belt pouches move more than the Black Series version, but they do still block forward leg movement a bit.

The jet pack is plugged into ball joints. There isn’t a lot of range but it does tilt up and down. The thrusters are on swivels and rotate around.

Even the range finder is on a swivel.

Bandai Star Wars 6 Inch Plastic Model Kit Boba Fett Range Finder

For the most part though, all of the articulation is nice.

Accessories include and extra right trigger finger hand, a left open hand for bracing his rifle, a set of fists, and then Fett’s standard rifle and pistol. The pistol fits snugly into the holster.

Comparing to the Black Series Fett, who I feel is one of the best in that line, it’s a close race but the model inches ahead in my opinion. The sculpt is similar because Hasbro did a great job here, it’s just that I like how the model stands. Just a better stance and overall shape.

But the Black Series Fett does have the paint details and silver. If you’re not hot on painting to tweak out your figures, the BS is perfectly fine on the shelf. I’ll eventually break out the brush to make the model more like the movie.

Overall, I recommend this kit. But you knew I was going to say that. Don’t take my word for it though. Look over the pics and decide for yourself. Do you like models? Do you like action figures? Do you like Star Wars. If so, give the model kit line a spin. You may be surprised.

Bandai Star Wars 6 Inch Plastic Model Kit Boba Fett 5

22 thoughts on “Bandai: Star Wars Boba Fett 1:12 Scale Model Kit Review

  1. Yeah either that or they are all waiting for Hasbro to release one so they have something to measure up against 😛

    Looking forward to seeing that end result! 😀

  2. I’m betting they are waiting to sell through all the ESB versions, then all the companies will hit us with the ROTJ version. More money for them!

    And I definitely will post to the group once I’m done. Just now getting back into the groove of weathering and painting so it’s slow going.

  3. Cool, I didn’t know you where on that as well, and thanks 😀 You got to post the end result up on the group then, when you’re done.
    Yeah it’s weird really, why no company have done a RotJ version yet, would be a nice change to all the ESB love. It’s kind of weird that there is a super trooper prototype version, and still no RotJ.

  4. I saw your post on the Bandai Facebook group, I love your ROTJ conversion! I’m waiting on a few more supplies before getting into weathering mine for a more accurate ESB look. Going to hold off on doing the ROTJ, some company has to offer a good one at some point.

  5. I finally got mine about a week and a half ago and I am loving the kit, if you’re up for painting it this is by far the best Fett in this scale imo so far (that mafex coming out next year sure do look good too though) just need to paint the last few details.
    A few alterations and he makes a great Special Editions Fett, hardest part was converting the EE-3 blaster.

  6. I just bit the bullet and ordered one too. Now I can’t wait to compare the three I’ll have!

  7. The revoltech uses a unique joint for the arm pits and the joints have broken in many of the Vader figures. I am a Revoltech Vash fan, best figure of all time imo.

    The cape also broke on me for Vader. I purchased mine and it was real, and not a knock off by any means.

    I was planning on also doing a cape for revoltech, would you be able to point me in the right direction to the pic of it?

    I don’t think you can get the Bandai head on it as it is a different peg than Mafex.Unless you are referring to the Bandai Model kit version which I am not sure about. Funny thing is I preferred the Revoltech Helmet as it looks more 70’s-ish…but it might be the most inaccurate of the bunch since the MAfex and Figuarts look so similar, and the outlier is the Revoltech.

    Mafex is king to me, but I never spotted the accuracy of the helmet as you did. I just figured the helmets were all the same. I preferred the Mafex Helmet over Bandais to be honest, as did notice slight differences in stylistic choices.

  8. Funny that you place the Revoltech in last slot. Not that I disagree, just I’ve seen some pics of him with a cloth cape and it got so much better that I said, wait, is that the Mafex one? I never ever thought on buying it, since it looked so weird in the pics, with the stylized proportions, silly poses and weird cape. But with a cloth cape it’s so different, and I was considering buying it for my ultimate frankenstein-Vader. The helmet looks to me even more accurate than the Bandai one. I’m waiting for my Mafex to arrive and I’ll try the Bandai head on it, but if I’m not pleased I’m tempted on giving a shot to that Revoltech thing.

  9. Oops, looks like it’s been pulled down. But I definitely got a pre-order in for it. Whereas I never saw the First Order Stormtrooper kit go up.

  10. The look of the MOdel Kit is better but the paint is better on the Black Series. Baba kit has better proportions than the Black and better poseability.

    Mafex Vader is the best of the Vaders imo. The head pops off easily when looking up or down due to the sculpt, but everything else is spot on. Cape is wired….and has a bigger build in terms of height than the Figuarts. I would rank Vader as;
    1. Mafex
    2. Figuarts
    3. Bandai Model Kit
    4. Black Series
    5. Revoltech

  11. All good RK – just post the re-edited photos – but just like Bear Grylls, we both know Boba survives the outer rigors of space…

  12. I’ve got the Revoltech ESB Boba and now also the Mafex Vader – and yes I’m a big fan of these. I don’t deny that each has its faults but so far they’re my best 6 inch scale figures of these two characters.

    Revoltech Boba just blasts everything out of the water with the details of the paint colors and battle damage. Then there’s the articulation. Mafex Vader, I’m loving the extra hands, the lightsaber hanging from the hilt and the soft goods.

    Yes just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water, then comes the Mafex ESB Boba – yes a BEAUTY to behold

  13. Through trial and error, I discovered if you pull down on Fett’s hip pouches, the joint will allow for quite a bit of clearance so that you can totally move the pouch out of the way of the raised leg. The Scout Troopers ab pouches operate the same way, so they look more natural in a hanging position while in bike riding mode.

  14. Have you seen the MAFEX Fett yet? That thing looks beautiful!

    And I definitely agree about to each his own. When I do a review it’s tough for me to say go out and get it because I know everyone has their own set of rules for buying and displaying and what they want from their toys. All I can do is give my own personal thoughts on them.

    You and a lot of others almost have me talked into the MAFEX Vader. Maybe I can get over my fear that the face looks small. Or get it and try to use the model kit head on it. Hmm.

  15. It seems so. Fett was the last pre-order to go up before all stock was pulled down from most overseas sites. Although amiami does have BB-8 up for pre-order right now. Who knows.

  16. Bwahaha! I totally screwed that up, didn’t I? I was wondering why it looked so different from the Black Series version. Thanks for pointing that out.

  17. As much as I love the stormtrooper (and just quite like the sand trooper), this one and vader just aren’t doing it for me. I love my Revoltech Fett (wonky-looking joints not withstanding), and my MAFEX Vader is #1 for me.

    This line seems great for the troops, but other characters seem to be lacking in terms of aesthetics. Still, they are fun to put together! Glad you dig Fett. To each his own.

  18. The way you’ve configured Boba’s rocket is a crackup – it looks his intergalactic cooking unit 🙂

    you can correct it be reversing the top part of the rocket …

  19. I have two of the Darth Vader kits….they’re way better than the Black Series Vader. This however, I’m going with the Black Series Fett….he looks better to me than this one.

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