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SDCC 2012 – The Bridge Direct Hobbit

Okay, the coverage got kicked off last night thanks to Samuron and Matt K, but I went by the Gentle Giant booth this morning and got a chance to talk to some of the nice folks from The Bridge Direct about their offerings for The Hobbit. They are not allowed to show a whole lot at this point, but they said they hope that Peter Jackson shows off some of the orcs and other monsters because they have more to show off. I did get to pick up the exclusive Invisible Bilbo figure, so I will have a feature on him after the Con.

What you see here is mostly from their 3 3/4 offerings, and even though that is not really “my scale” I will be picking up all of them. I am especially excited about getting all of the dwarves. They had to be coy about what all will be coming later, but I am PRAYING that we get all of the dwarves in the 6 inch scale. If you have any questions, ask in the comment section, I am just trying to get these up fast to get back to the con. Enjoy, I cannot wait until October when these will be released.

6 Inch

3 3/4 Inches

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