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First Look – DC Universe Classics Starman I

Starman Close Up

League. Titans. Society has to be next right? Heck yes it does! You know, being a brand manager at Mattel has got to be rough, when planning out a figure series you are met with the question of what Starman should we include? You make it easy and you pick TWO. Variants can be some beautiful thing. So, in DCUC 15 we get both the original Starman, Ted Knight, as well as his son Jack (First Look coming soon) so you can fill out your classics JSA line-up as well as the ’90s incarnation. I know there are lots of people that are just wild about Starman Jr., but I am all about the Ted.

Must be something about that name, me and the DC Universe – Ted Kord, Ted Grant and Ted Knight are all up at the top of some of my favorite DC heroes and now I have that Ted trifecta. I will admit, Starman’s costume was one of the first things that drew me to him when I was young, I have always thought he had a very unique look for a spandex superhero; I still think that. The bright red, muted green and yellow accents really pop from a color scheme perspective, add to that a star theme and a head fin and you got one cool looking superhero.

Add to all of that his great characterization, what with his struggle with being one of the inventors of the A-Bomb, his storied history in the Justice Society and even his heroic progeny and Ted Knight quickly becomes on of DC’s most interesting characters as well.

For the actual figure, I have to start with a comment on the head sculpt. When I first saw the 2-up face, something was off about it to me, Ted looks a little, um, jowly to me. I don’t know if it was the angle or the lighting, but the final figure turned out great, he has a strong jaw and stoic expression, just how I like my classic heroes. He is made up primarily of the medium DCUC body, which is appropriate. He is very red but he also has tons of airbrushing on the musculature, so he has lots of detail. He also has a unique cape, something I am very glad for. I know that the figure that was in the case at SDCC had Obsidian’s cape, but we were assured that was just a stand-in. I did not doubt that all, but I was still worried they might use the Dr. Mid-Nite cape – but no, all new, baby. I know that I am starting to sound like a broken record, but I cannot say it enough – pliable cape! Keep it up, Mattel.

Starman Close Up

Starman also comes with this requisite Validus chunk (the left leg) and his collector button, as well as his Cosmic Rod and, well a gun/blaster. To the former, you knew this would be essential as it is one of Starman’s trademark makings. It is sculpted in the very classic style, I mean it looks like it did in the 1940s. I like it, but I have to admit, that I think I like the overall look and shape of the old DC Direct version better, but that is just personal preference. Like I said though, Starman is incomplete without the Cosmic Rod, so I am glad it is included.

Starman Accessories
Starman Weapons
Starman... gun?

Which brings me to the latter – the gun. I am pretty embarrassed about this and I am going to have to defer to some of my even more storied comic pals, because I just cannot place this one. Now, Starman is one of my favorite DC characters, but I will honest and admit that I have not read every issue he has ever been in. So, I am not even sure about this accessory. I suppose when you have a walking DC encyclopedia like Bill Benecke working on the line, there are bound to be some “gotchas!” here and there, but I am really at a loss on this one. I am going to ask around though and provide the information here if and when I get it. For all that too, Starman has holster for said gun.

The Golden Agers

Whenever I get the chance to add more members of the JSA to my shelf (though I am never satisfied) I am very happy. Plus, when a new member is one of my favorite classic heroes, all the better. Starman makes for a very sharp figure that will add a lot of flash to your JSA display. Ted will be packed 50/50 with sonny boy and should be hitting right about now.

*Thanks again for tuning in and thanks to Mattel for sending this sample along for our First Look. We will be back with more tomorrow!


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7 thoughts on “First Look – DC Universe Classics Starman I

  1. Hello,
    A little late to the party, I’ll admit, but I think the ray gun is a riff on the one Ted Knight used to fight Doctor Phosphorous in issue 13 of James Robinson’s Starman. Which,at least to me, is pretty cool.

  2. Glad to see the face sculpt improved, that is good news indeed. Looking forward to Alan Scott and Rex Tyler before the year is over so I that can complete most of the classic JSA.

  3. Thanks for the clarification, Doom. I missed it.
    When I saw it, I kindof liked it.
    Anyway, STARMAN still looks great,…and he’ll be a great addition to our JSA.
    I just bought the Ultra-Humanite.
    I hope they (DCUC) give us some of those Golden Age JSA Villains like The WIZARD, DEGATON, BRAIN WAVE, and some of the others.

  4. The pics of Starman from the cons had him wearing Obsidian’s cape. That was an error by Mattel and they even said that it was.

  5. Nice looking figure. I thought the cape was going to look a little different in the front…as shown in previous pictures.

    But still, a great addition to the JSA line-up.
    Good review.
    I can’t remember a gun, either…but certainly not out of the possibility.
    The old DC Direct figure was frozen in a stange position as I remember him… and I wasn’t too wild about him.
    I think I’ll like this one better.

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