What is this? TWO Masters of the Universe First Looks in one day? Time to get the weekend started off right. This time we are highlighting the November-shipping figure – Scareglow! He is the evil ghost of serving Skeletor and he is back in action figure form for the first time since 1987, that is 22 years, people! I must admit that he has been one of my most anticipated figures of the line so far and Mattel and the Four Horsemen really did him justice. Read on for the whole scoop.
Man, Scareglow was such a grail for me back when I was a wee pup of about 6 years old. As one of the last figures of the original Masters of the Universe line, he was pretty hard to come by. I remember getting King Randor, Ninjor and Rio Blast from that assortment but Scareglow always eluded me at the stores, Birthdays and holidays. I did finally get him though thanks to a very determined mother who was being driven into madness by the collectors obsessions of a six-year-old and he has remained one of my favorite Masters characters ever since. There is just something about him, so scary and so mysterious, especially in the old days. Plus – he glows in the dark! Was he the actual ghost of Skeletor? Was he a ghost controlled by Skeletor? Back then I didn’t know but I just thought he was so cool.
Well, now his newly minted biography has shed some light onto his background (he needs that light to charge up his glowability) and he is, in fact, the evil ghost SERVING Skeletor. Well, that mystery has been put ot bed but I must admit that while Eternia is getting pretty full up with bounty hunters, I REALLY dig Scareglow’s new backstory. In fact, I think it is probably the best one they have done so far. I am sure part of that comes thanks in part to the surprise accessory that the Four Horsemen created for him – the Key of Castle Grayskull with it’s holder and chain. Again, one of the coolest accessories of the line so far.
Like I said before, this is the fist time we have gotten any incarnation of Scareglow sine the 1980s. I was very sad that they did not update him back in the 200x days as neither a figure nor a Staction, but after getting this figure in hand, he was well worth the wait. Mattel and the Horsemen put a lot of love into this vile creature and it really shows in a l lot of places.
For the actual figure, he is mostly the Skeletor body but he has the standard furry shorts as opposed to the more Roman-esque drawers of Skeletor. I dig the dark purple they used for his shins and feet, it is not a color that has shown up in the MOTUC pallet yet. The shiny purple gem on his belt is also a neat little touch.
Most of his body, including his head, is cast in a glow-in-the-dark plastic to recreate the same effect of the old figure. It, of course, works really well and when he is put in the dark, his erie presence shines through to scare the furry shorts off every Eternian this side of the Sands of Time. The “bone” pattern created on him is just like the vintage figure – glowing bones on a muscle-bound body. Ridiculous and I love it!
He has a very detailed head sculpt (of course) and his skull is rough and textured to be more realistic than his classic counterpart. He has some nice paint wash details in his teeth and head fracture with just enough paint to highlight the crevices. His eyes are also very mean-looking, those aren’t just empty ocular cavities you are staring into.
I would be remiss if I did not mention his cape too. When you have a figure like Scareglow that has so many cool aspects about him, something like a cape can be easily overlooked. Well, I am going to proclaim this right now: this is the best cape the Four Horsemen have ever done. Seriously, all of the little details and folds make it look like it is made from real fabric and it rests on his shoulders perfectly. It also has a very nice “phasing” effect near the bottom and is made of very flexible plastic.
Finally, he has some very nice accessories. The aforementioned key of Grayskull is such a cool idea and it’s little holder is beautifully sculpted – the detail in the tiny Castle Grayskull is amazing. The chain is actual metal and cuff can be removed if you feel the need.
The Scythe of Doom is his carry over accessory from the old days and they made a great update of it. It is very imposing and is very green color with a glowing blade and spike, another great way to combine the old with the new.
I am thrilled to have this ghost that serves Skeletor added to my evil minions. After Mer-Man he is probably one of my favorite new figures, and he has been a long time coming. I am glad that Mattel decided to include him so early in the line, he gives me hope to seeing another of my oft-neglected favorites, Spikor in the line soon. Scareglow is kinda like the Boba Fett of the MOTU universe, he has a very loyal cult following and is one of the biggest badasses out there. The real difference is that, unlike Fett, Scareglow has not been ruined by his backstory. Zing!
I think this figure will win over a lot of people who are a bit “meh” about him currently and will thrill his fans. I am currently unpacking from a move but as soon as I can, I am going to have Scareglow haunting around Castle Grayskull. Be sure to be on Matty Collector this November so you can add him to your ranks, that is if you are not a Club Eternia member. Thanks for reading!
*Again, a huge thanks to Toy Guru for making the review Scareglow possible, we are very appreciative!
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What is this? TWO Masters of the Universe First Looks in one day? Time to get the weekend started off right. This time we are highlighting the November-shipping figure – Scareglow! He is the evil ghost ofserving Skeletor and he is back in action figure form for the first time since 1987, that is 22 years, people! I must admit that he has been one of my most anticipated figures of the line so far and Mattel and the Four Horsemen really did him justice. Read on for the whole scoop.
Man, Scareglow was such a grail for me back when I was a wee pup of about 6 years old. As one of the last figures of the original Masters of the Universe line, he was pretty hard to come by. I remember getting King Randor, Ninjor and Rio Blast from that assortment but Scareglow always eluded me at the stores, Birthdays and holidays. I did finally get him though thanks to a very determined mother who was being driven into madness by the collectors obsessions of a six-year-old and he has remained one of my favorite Masters characters ever since. There is just something about him, so scary and so mysterious, especially in the old days. Plus – he glows in the dark! Was he the actual ghost of Skeletor? Was he a ghost controlled by Skeletor? Back then I didn’t know but I just thought he was so cool.
Scareglow's Biography
Well, now his newly minted biography has shed some light onto his background (he needs that light to charge up his glowability) and he is, in fact, the evil ghost SERVING Skeletor. Well, that mystery has been put ot bed but I must admit that while Eternia is getting pretty full up with bounty hunters, I REALLY dig Scareglow’s new backstory. In fact, I think it is probably the best one they have done so far. I am sure part of that comes thanks in part to the surprise accessory that the Four Horsemen created for him – the Key of Castle Grayskull with it’s holder and chain. Again, one of the coolest accessories of the line so far.
Blister insert
Like I said before, this is the fist time we have gotten any incarnation of Scareglow sine the 1980s. I was very sad that they did not update him back in the 200x days as neither a figure nor a Staction, but after getting this figure in hand, he was well worth the wait. Mattel and the Horsemen put a lot of love into this vile creature and it really shows in a l lot of places.
For the actual figure, he is mostly the Skeletor body but he has the standard furry shorts as opposed to the more Roman-esque drawers of Skeletor. I dig the dark purple they used for his shins and feet, it is not a color that has shown up in the MOTUC pallet yet. The shiny purple gem on his belt is also a neat little touch.
Paint detail
Most of his body, including his head, is cast in a glow-in-the-dark plastic to recreate the same effect of the old figure. It, of course, works really well and when he is put in the dark, his erie presence shines through to scare the furry shorts off every Eternian this side of the Sands of Time. The “bone” pattern created on him is just like the vintage figure – glowing bones on a muscle-bound body. Ridiculous and I love it!
He has a very detailed head sculpt (of course) and his skull is rough and textured to be more realistic than his classic counterpart. He has some nice paint wash details in his teeth and head fracture with just enough paint to highlight the crevices. His eyes are also very mean-looking, those aren’t just empty ocular cavities you are staring into.
Scareglow's cape
I would be remiss if I did not mention his cape too. When you have a figure like Scareglow that has so many cool aspects about him, something like a cape can be easily overlooked. Well, I am going to proclaim this right now: this is the best cape the Four Horsemen have ever done. Seriously, all of the little details and folds make it look like it is made from real fabric and it rests on his shoulders perfectly. It also has a very nice “phasing” effect near the bottom and is made of very flexible plastic.
Key HolderGrayskull close-upKey of Grayskull
Finally, he has some very nice accessories. The aforementioned key of Grayskull is such a cool idea and it’s little holder is beautifully sculpted – the detail in the tiny Castle Grayskull is amazing. The chain is actual metal and cuff can be removed if you feel the need.
Skeletor and Scareglow
The Scythe of Doom is his carry over accessory from the old days and they made a great update of it. It is very imposing and is very green color with a glowing blade and spike, another great way to combine the old with the new.
I am thrilled to have this ghost that serves Skeletor added to my evil minions. After Mer-Man he is probably one of my favorite new figures, and he has been a long time coming. I am glad that Mattel decided to include him so early in the line, he gives me hope to seeing another of my oft-neglected favorites, Spikor in the line soon. Scareglow is kinda like the Boba Fett of the MOTU universe, he has a very loyal cult following and is one of the biggest badasses out there. The real difference is that, unlike Fett, Scareglow has not been ruined by his backstory. Zing!
I think this figure will win over a lot of people who are a bit “meh” about him currently and will thrill his fans. I am currently unpacking from a move but as soon as I can, I am going to have Scareglow haunting around Castle Grayskull. Be sure to be on Matty Collector this November so you can add him to your ranks, that is if you are not a Club Eternia member. Thanks for reading!
The Evil Ghost Serving Skeletor sometimes has to serve him pizza
*Again, a huge thanks to Toy Guru for making the review Scareglow possible, we are very appreciative!