We’ve actually hit 3 Q&A’s in a row. Time to ask Pabs for a raise.*
Thanks to the Hasbro Marvel Team for getting us these answers.
1. Is Fury Files going to be the permanent theme for the Marvel Universe line or will the theme change regularly?
We’ll be discussing the 2010 theme in SD just one month from now. There’ll be tons of new Universe news so make sure to join us in the booth and at the panel!
2. Can you give the fans insight into how wave line-ups are determined for the lines (this can be for all lines not specifically to Marvel Universe)? Is it a team decision, manager decision, marketing, retailer?
Is there a master list of figs at the start of the process that are going to be made and then they are divided up into waves?
It’s a team decision and it’s always a vigorous but fun debate. Usually, we’ll nail down a full year lineup over a matter of several meetings that take place over a few weeks. The last meeting is a bit like a steel cage match as we lock the doors and fight to the finish for our favorites!
3. If the Gigantic Battles format proves successful would it continue with ‘4 inch figure, 12 inch Figure’ as a set format or is there a possibility of repackaging larger Marvel Legends figs (Dragon Man as one example) with potentially 2-3 4 inch figures?
It’s possible. We aren’t holding ourselves to one specific formula for our battle packs, and there are definitely some characters of varying scale that we’d like to do that won’t fit on a single card.
4. In addition to the codes provided in the Marvel Universe line, is there any additional content on the horizon? Flash games, videos, mini-comics?
Absolutely, check out the new stop motion short on the Fury files site. Hint: it comes after the initial intro video.
*Joke’s on us – he doesn’t even pay us!
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