brand new toy line from O’TOOLE toys ,
three figures in this fist wave
all three figure have multiple points of articulation,
interchangeable heads’ & lodes of accessories,
according to write up on the card back
the title character ZOMBIHAMMA, is the last man
alive on the planet, so expect future waves
to contain …well I would imagine ZOMBIs 3 4 & 5.

More pictures: http://www.thefwoosh.com/picsold/thumbnails.php?album=855
Recipe: all three figures were made from taking numerous ‘shop bought’ figures "points of articulation"
& re-gluing them together to form an armature these were then sculpted over almost 100% with milliput,
ZOMBIHAMMA. himself is ‘shoulders’ movie hulk, ‘elbows’ some wrestlers knees, from the waist down was ‘gothmog’ L.O.T.R. orc, both thighs & calf’s were dremmeld down to sticks & shortened.
Zombi 1. was made from ‘random spidy figure’ shoulders & arms, ‘movie invisible girl’ waist,
‘mc toys spawn the cowboy’ hands, ‘the leaders’ (marvel legend face off) legs, & ‘Kens’ (street fighter) feet.
zombi 2. was made from ‘L.O.T.R.Pete Jackson hobbit upper thighs’ to make his shoulders, ‘Ken hands’
‘movie mr fantastic’ legs, with hips widened & dremmeld down like zombi 1s, ‘ feet’ ML FO sabertooth
the heads & ZHs hands & belt pouches were all sculpted in wax,
these were then moulded in silicone & cast out in fastcast (two part liquid plastic)
Zombi 2s "shotgun effect" head started out as a cut out section of blister pack,
cut in to a zig zag down the length, it was glued together in a circle
& fast cast was dribbled over it just as it was beginning to set, to make that ‘blood splatter effect’
the details were added in milliput.
ZOMBI 1s base: round plastic food container (olives i believe)
car bodyfiller (bondo) was smeared on to the lid, the ribs & hips of a
plastic halloween skeleton was pressed in to it,
the flesh, guts, head were all sculpted afterward with milliput
the little news paper was made in photo shop