GI Joe 25th Anniversary Celebration
For 25 years, the heroic GI JOE team has battled the evil forces of Cobra with guns, guts, and glory – and loyal GI Joe fans like you have stood beside them every missile-firing step of the way. In honor of the 25th anniversary of this heroic struggle, Hasbro introduces the best ever line of Deluxe GI Joe 6-inch action figures. Each 25h anniversary Deluxe GI Joe 6-inch action figure is meticulously detailed. The accessories are as true to the original as we could make it – one glimpse of it on shelf and G.I. Joe fans are instantly transported back to their childhood. Look forward to lots more on the way as we re-live the excitement of G.I. Joe vs. Cobra!

The very first edition of the GI JOE DELUXE line contains Snake Eyes (w/ Timber), Scarlett, Stalker, Airborne, Destro and Scrap Iron. These figures are being marketed to towards collectors, with highly detailed sculpt paint applications, and many, many accessories. The GI JOE DELUXE line is done in the popular much requested Marvel Legends format.
Primary Military Specialty: Infantry
Second Specialty: Hand-to-Hand Combat Instructor
Birthplace: CLASSIFIED
Grade: E-5
Subject served in Long Range Recon Patrols in Southeast Asia. Left the service to study mystic martial arts with the same Ninja family that produced STORM SHADOW. SNAKE EYES was living an ascetic existence alone in the High Sierras with a pet wolf names Timber when he was recruited for the GI JOE team.
Qualified Expert: All Nato and Warsaw Pact small arms, black belt in 12 different fighting systems and highly skilled in the use of edged weapons.
"SNAKE EYES was tempered on the anvil of life until he was as dangerous as a razor-edged sword, flailing in the dark. The GI JOE team sheathed that sword and harnessed its deadly energy but even they are wont to forget that even within the safety of its scabbard, the blade retains its cutting edge."
File name: O’Hara, Shana M.
Primary Military Specialty: Intelligence
Second Specialty: CLASSIFIED
Birthplace: Atlanta, Georgia
Grade: E-5
Her father and three brothers were all martial arts instructors. She began her training at age 9 and was awarded her first black belt at age 15. Graduated: Advanced Infantry Training and Ranger School. Special Ed.: Covert Ops School; Marine Sniper School; Special Air Service School; Marine Tae Kwan Do Symposium. Qualified Expert: M-14; M-16; M-1911A1; M-79; M-3A1; M-700 (Remington Sniper Rifle); Mac-10; XK-1 Power Crossbow; Throwing Stars; Garotte; Ka-Bar.
"SCARLETT is confident and resilient… it’s remarkable that a person so deadly can still retain a sense of humor."
File Name: Sgt. Lonzo R. Wilkinson
Primary Military Specialty: Infantry
Second Specialty: Medic; Interpreter
Birthplace: Detroit, MI
Grade: E-5
Stalker was warlord of a large urban street gang prior to enlistment. Fluent in Spanish, Arabic, French, and Swahili. Graduated top of class-Basic Combat Training. Advanced Infantry Training (Top of Class). Special Training: U.S. Army Language School; Intelligence School. Qualified Expert: M-14; M-16; M-1911A1 (Auto-Pistol); M-3A1 Grease Gun; M-32 "Pulverizer" Sub-Machine Gun.
"Functions well under high stress situations. Intelligent. Perceptive. Moves like some sort of jungle cat–silent–fast . . . strong."
File Name: Sgt. Franklin E. Talltree
Primary Military Specialty: Airborne Infantryman
Second Specialty: Helicopter Gunship Gunner
Birthplace: Navaho Reservation, AZ
Grade: E-5
Airborne’s parents are oil-rich Navahos who indulged their eldest son with sky-diving lessons. Talltree also studied law and passed the Arizona State Bar exams. Joined the army and opted for airborne training, commenting, "I’d rather jump out of airplanes than write legal briefs." Graduated top of class from Airborne School, Fort Benning. Qualified Expert: Hughes Helicopter Chain Gun, M-16, M-60 and M-1911A auto pistol.
“Airborne jokes around and gets loose, but he’s serious too . . . dead serious. You look at him and sometimes he’s looking right through you. Must be the Indian in him. The Navahos call it "the far-seeing look." Spooky!”
File name: Unknown
Primary Military Specialty: Weapons Manufacturer
Second Specialty: Thief
Birthplace: Unknown
DESTRO is the faceless power behind Military Armaments Research System, the largest manufacturer of state-of-the-art weaponry. To DESTRO, war is man’s most natural state: the fittest survive and the greatest technological advances are made. He maintains a luxurious lifestyle around the world. DESTRO provides high-tech arms to any side able to meet his price and will incite war where it does not exist. He dons his silver battle mask (a family tradition) and enters battle himself, either with COBRA Command (DESTRO is their major weapons supplier) or against them if it’s better for business.
DESTRO respects the G.I. JOE team for their combat skills and expertise, but abhors them for wasting such skills to maintain peace. He’s totally dedicated to seeing them undermined, subverted, or destroyed!
Primary Military Specialty: Tank Destroyer
Second Specialty: CLASSIFIED
Birthplace: Unknown
It is believed that Scrap-Iron is a product designer for Destro’s armaments company. Carries out initial field testing on all new armor piercing munitions and sub-munitions. Area of specialization is remote-launched, laser-guided, rocket-propelled piezo-electric fused anti-tank weapons. These weapons are categorized beyond the "smart" stage and are known by the nomenclature: "brilliant." Current state-of-the-art Mil-Tech terminology.
"Scrap-Iron is methodical and precise. Imperfection in any form repels him. Perhaps that’s why he wants to blow up the world."

Customs by Ray H. Construction :
Snake eyes
Snake Eyes was made from face off daredevil figure and a bunch of sculpture work.
Scarlett was made from a wasp figure, with a faith head, and a bunch of sculpture work.
Stalker was pretty much all sculpture work over a TNA primetime figure.
Airborne was a longshot figure, with movie f4 reed hands and gambit boots, pretty much all completely sculpted over.
Destro was a house of m wolverine, and guile head, pretty much completely sculpted over again.
Scrap Iron was a ML wonder man with ml10 cyke head, completely sculpted over again.